🏰 ep.12 🏰

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Author P.O.V

It had finally reached the weekend. Most waited quite a while for this very day. The sun standing tall in the sky shone above the kingdom, waking many up for the days events.

Taehyung spent a lot of time thinking if Jungkook should be at the ball. It was good because he could hangout or have an excuse to not be around other people. It was bad because Jungkook would be upset of the people he will be forced around as well as his precious boyfriend is wide open for others to access.

With all of this said the young prince was forced awake early in the morning to prepare. They didnt even let him see his secret lover, which upset him quite a bit. When they first arrived to the very lavished room, there is one problem they ran into. When they went to wake Taehyung he wasnt in his own room rather... cuddling the servant in the room beside. Maids were beyond shocked and didnt know wether to inform the king or not.

They kept shut though when the prince realized the situation and immediately orded them to not say a word. He made up some random excuse like always to prove why he would be that close with someone. They set him in another room and had him wait. It was going to take approximately a few hours to get him ready. Taehyung thinks its excessive.

Jungkook woke up to the emptiness beside him. He got concerned why his boyfriend would just up and leave. He quickly got changed into something simple and walked out to princess Ha-yoons room hoping to receive answers there. The only thing he was met with was silence. The princess wasnt here either. Beyond confused he went to the last place he could think of.

Upon arriving at the medical wing he knocked on the familiar wooden door. "Hyung?" Jungkook questioned. "Jungkook is that you?" Was heard from the other side. The servant sighed in relief before yelling back, "Yes." Then the door opened. "Here for your medicine?" Jin asked, allowing the younger in.

"Yes but there was something else..." The servant trailed off, walking in. "What is it?" Jin asked getting the medicine he had pre-set on the counter earlier. He handed it to Jungkook who swallowed the pill before continuing. "Taehyung and the princess are gone...I dont know whats happening." Jungkook sighed.

Jin chuckled, "Oh sweety your so cute, no need to worry about them. They have to get ready for the ball later this evening." Jungkook pouted at the news, "So I wont see them until tomorrow?"

Jin shrugged, "If Taehyung is sneaky, which he is, he might visit you before the ball starts. But dont get your hopes up, they limit him a lot on these occasions." The doctor smiled sadly at the kid. "Does that mean I should go back to my duties today? I'm healed enough..." Jungkook frowned, he truly hated the job.

"If your up for it, maybe it will take your mind off everything. If something happens come get me right away, alright? The prince would literally kill me if something happened to his precious boyfriend." Jin chuckled. Jungkook blushed and nodded, "Ok...see you later hyung!" And with that Jungkook exited the basement.

The young boy walked to one of the supply closets and took out a broom. He started his normal routine on the first floor. People passed him running around frantic trying to make sure everything was perfect. He could only watch, lost in his own thoughts. The white walls and smooth carpet of a maroon color really added to the atmosphere as he made his way round. He thought of many things but right now he was reminded of home. After a while he went up the steps to the second floor and continued on making them clean. He felt like it had been ages since he last touched a broom and swept across the halls ever so gracefully.

He decided to take a small break and look out the view. He was peaceful in this very moment before a voice interrupted his thought. "Jungkookie!" Someone familiar yelled before he felt the person back hug him tightly. "T-taehyung?" Jungkook questions, turning around to face the prince. He was shocked to say the least, the prince had more make-up on and a really exspensive outfit. He was stunning.

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