🏰 ep.29 🏰

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Author P.O.V

"Taehyung I..."

Everyone was anticipating the next words from Jungkook's mouth. Even the King himself had literally stopped functioning, thinking he will be rejected.

What shocked everyone was Jungkook ran and hugged Taehyung, who was still kneeling on the floor. "Tae of course yes!" The younger continued, eyes streaming with warm tears. The King started crying too, his anxiousness and fear being replaced with butterflies dancing around in his stomach.

Jungkook let go to face the older, Taehyung immediately brought the smaller male into a loving and passionate kiss. All happened while sitll kneeling on the sand. Lots of shouts and whistles could be heard from their supportive friends behind them. Heck even Yoongi said 'fuck it' and decided to kiss Hoseok, shocking the people around them. Thankfully, Taehyung didnt see. But everyone else did.

When the older pulled away he stood up and helped his lover up. Taehyung connected their foreheads, having the biggest smile on his face. He took the ring from the velvet box and carefully placed it on Jungkook's ring finger. Now everyone they meet will know Jungkook is taken, belonging to someone else whole-heartedly.

Jungkook stared at the ring, barely able to make out its shape from the all the tears. "It's lovely..." The younger smiled, seeing the purple amethysts reflect the fairy lights above. "The best for the best..." Taehyung smirked but it wasnt much of a smirk considering he was a crying mess as well. "Thank you Tae!" Jungkook hugged the older again, wanting to feel his embrace one more time.

"I love you..." Jungkook whispered. Taehyung smiled his bright box-like smile. "I love you too." The King held his new fiancé tightly, never wanting to let go. Their friends slowly made their way over to the couple.

"Congratulations!" Yuna shouted. "I can be an Aunt now!" Ha-yoon cheered as well but received a glare from her brother, quickly shutting up. "I think there is something Yoongi and Hoseok would like to sha-" Namjoon was cut off with a hand above his mouth. Short Yoongi was able to get Namjoon in a headlock despite them both being soldiers. "O-ok ok let m-e go." The purple haired male coughed, unable to breath. Yoongi rolled his eyes and let go, going to stand by Hoseok, tired from today's events.

When the couple pulled away from each others embrace, the friends got closer. Everyone present was smiling, the moment felt magical. "Thanks for helping out guys, and not holding the sign upsidown." Taehyung chuckled. Jungkook gasped, "Omo you guys did such an amazing job!"

"Its the least we could do." Seojin adds. "Wait. Seokjin you sly doctor! The day you gave me alchohol I told you I loved places like this!" Jungkook whined, looking super adorable when mad. "You gave him alchohol? What's wrong with you?!" Hoseok squeaked, thinking of the effect it would have on a 16-year-old.

Jin put his hands up in defense, "Taehyung dont tell me you and Koo didn't do something after that." This caused the King to choke on his spit, "Um..." He looked away, unsure of how to answer that. Jungkook looked down, embarrassed of that night as well. Hoseok screamed in horror, "I did NOT need to know that!"

Everyone chuckled, the tension wasnt as suspenseful as before. "Why? I think it's cute." Ha-yoon shrugged. All the older ones stared at her weirdly. "Child you got an issue." Yoongi spat, weirded out by this young princess. "I'm gonna tell Ji-yeon you said that!" Yuna claimed, smiling evily.
"Don't. You.dare!" Ha-yoon exspression got darker and glared at Yuna.

This resulted in Ha-yoon chasing poor Yuna around the rest of the beach. Everyone laughed at the scene, enjoying the comfortable and happy moment. No worries, just them. They can finally be here, after every trouble they had to face before. To be in this moment then all that pain was worth it. Finally free.

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