🏰 ep.7 🏰

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Taehyung P.O.V

"Im sorry sir..." Jin frowned.

I was so anxious, I think my heart actually stopped functioning. "Spit it out Jin, my heart cant take this!" I cried.

"He has some major damages but they are thankfully not life threatening. He needs to be here for a while though, he is very week so this may affect everyday activities. He needs to rest here lots in order to be stable." Jin concluded. I let out one big sigh of relief, Jungkook really scared me. But the image is still very fresh in my mind, him laying there looking lifeless. "Thank you Jin, thank you so much..." a few tears of happiness left my puffy eyes.

I heard Jimin sigh, which confuses me but I dont give it much thought. "Can I see him?" I ask nervously. "He wont wake up for a while, I advise that you should get some sleep. You can see him in the morning." Jin awnsers.

"Jin please..." I plead. He just shakes his head, "you've had a long day Tae. Get some sleep and I assure you he will here and possibly awake for you to see in the morning." The doctor smiles, patting my back. I give a small 'ok' and stand up. "I'll be here at dawn, dont keep me waiting outside, got it?" I say. Jin nods, "I'll take good care of him." I smile, "thank you..." and with that I start walking to my room.

"Oh, Jimin I'll be at the meeting room around 2:30 tomorrow, ok? Thanks for staying. Good night," I inform and continue walking.

The night air is cold as I walk around aimlessly alone. I know I won't be able to go to sleep tonight despite Jin's words. I walk past the garden and I don't know why, but it catches my attention. I start heading over and into the greenhouse.

I see flowers alike, from blue to white. I sit on one of the benches with a heavy sigh. I then start picking a few, wielding them into a crown type structure. After about an hour I smile at the creation I've made. I stand up with it in my hands and walk back to my room.

I open my door exaughested. I go over to my bed and set the flower crown on my nightstand. I undress myself and put my night attire on, but just leave my shirt off because it makes me uncomfortable at night. I turn off the lamp and hop in my bed, snuggling into the covers.

As I stare at the ceiling I can't help but think about Jungkook. He must have went through so much pain to be sitting in a pool of blood. Why did it happen and who did it? I just need awnsers to these two questions.

My family doesn't really know about Jungkook outside of me explaining to them his story and needing an upgrade in his room. I haven't told anybody my love for him yet, or even mention him to anyone besides Jimin and Jin so... who could it be?

My head hurts thinking about it, thinking about everything. Being a King soon and my responsibility along with Jungkook.

That reminds me! I haven't even asked him on a date yet, he isnt my official boyfriend. It all happened so suddenly today. How will I be able to get my family to accept that I love him? Or just a guy in general...
It's my life so I can choose who I want, right? Ugh! I wish I wasnt a stupid prince, I wish I could just be a commoner and live happily with Jungkook.

What if they get rid of Jungkook? Or worse- force me to marry a neighboring princess? This is all so complicated! Maybe I should talk to my sister about it...I'm sure she would understand. I did catch her staring at one of the other princesses earlier at the ball this year, I even saw her blush. Maybe I'm not the only one? Who knows...

I should probably check the East wing, check on the interns, and continue on with my meetings and fencing practice tomorrow. I roll over on my bed with a sigh, hugging one of the pillows. Before I know it, my vision becomes smaller and smaller as I drift away into sleep.

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