🏰 ep.33 🏰

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Jungkook P.O.V

I woke up from the loud chirping birds, singing their song. It took a second to realize what happened last night and why I was in my own room. I yawned and stretched my aching arms from sleeping such a long time. When I was about to step off the bed I noticed something.

There were white rose petals scattered across the floor. I gasped, a surprised smile painted on my lips. Just in the middle of my room was a huge box with the words "to my husband" imprinted on it. I immediately picked up a hint about what all this was about. I smile slightly, Taehyung must have felt bad. I mean it's only fair, I was left so heartbroken yesterday! All I wanted was his kisses and cuddles.

I get on my knees and opened the box, out came mini balloons and glitter. I giggle, enjoying the little suprise before I see what else was inside. There was a letter and smaller box lined with velvet. I picked up the letter and read it closely.

"Dear Jungkook,
My little bun I know I hurt you these past few days. I'm so so sorry! As long as you forgive me I will give you all the affection you want. I promise to never get so carried away about work again.
I'll let you help as well :)
I'm waiting in the throne room if you wanna see me. Baby please don't keep me waiting, I can't bare to see you sad anymore. I will always love you my pretty, adorable, little bun!

Sincerely, your guilty husband"

A huge smile was displayed on my face. He must really mean it. Gosh, what did I do to deserve Taehyung? I decided to open the little box that held a shiny necklace. It was a silver chain with a pretty blue, sapphire heart pendant, that dangled in the center. I squealed exidely, immediately putting the necklace on my neck and admiring the way it matched my pale complexion. This probably costs millions, I need to go to Taehyung right away!

I run to my wardrobe and decide to wear something Ha-yoon got me since I know my husband loves it. I made sure to have the necklace showing beautifully and my crown resting on my head.




(His outfit + necklace & crown)

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(His outfit + necklace & crown)

I checked to make sure everything was perfect before walking out my room. I was feeling a little insecure if others would judge me but I'm King so it's not like they could say anything, right?

I gracefully made my way to the throne room on the first floor. The doors to the said room were larger then any other in the castle. I struggled to open the door but managed. Once inside, I saw Taehyung pacing back and fourth on top the many white stairs. I giggle lightly, silently making my way up the stairs since he didn't notice my presence. At the top, I run and jump on his back.

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