🏰 Epilogue: 38 🏰

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Author P.O.V

Currently, Jungkook was sitting in the throne room with princess Lia in his lap. The little girl had drifted to sleep in her parent's delicate hold. The young King was quite bored though, with Taehyung working and Lia out like a light.

So, Jungkook called one of the guards over. "Yes, your highness?" The soldier bowed in front of the tall steps where royals sat. "Bring-" Just as on cue, Jimin walked through the door. "Kookie! sorry I'm late!" The- now pink haired male- exclaimed.

Jungkook shooed the guard away, bringing full attention to the assistant. "Is there something wrong?" The younger questioned. Jimin shook his head, panting and at a loss of breath. "As I made my way over, Taehyung pulled me aside and requested you meet in the dining room with the princess." The assistant exsplained.

Jungkook nodded, carefully standing up with Lia and making his way down the smooth steps. You see, everyone grew to accept Jimin and forget his past. The pinkette was great at what he did, the situation was life or death so everything was put behind him. Also! One of the mysteries from long ago has been solved. The Head Maid ended up switching jobs at another Kingdom after getting told off by Taehyung harshly.

Jimin occupanined Jungkook and Lia to the said room. The princess seemed to have woken up, crying a bit before settling down. Upon arrival, Taehyung made his way over to the three, pulling his husband and daughter aside.

"Appa!" Lia exclaimed excitedly, making grabby hands towards her father. Taehyung sighed before picking the girl up and planting a small kiss to her nose, "Hi little one." She giggled and latched herself onto the older.

"So what's up?" Jungkook questioned. "Yoongi wanted to set something up for marrying Hoseok and Jimin. I sent Chim to get you so it'll buy us time. Your about to witness another proposal." Taehyung exsplained. The younger King nodded, almost bouncing excitedly as the lights dimmed. A spotlight was instantly shown on Yoongi who was kneeling, holding a box with two rings inside. Hoseok and Jimin were standing in front, confused as heck as to why this wasn't a dinner or meeting. But...knowing those two they started crying at the sight.

All of our friends and some guards were here, the room was surprisingly decorated with flowers and jewels. Their love lasted long and as promised, Yoongi wanted to seal the bond.

"You two have been the love of my life since before working here, during training. I know we've been through so many complications together but I don't care, I want to spend forever with you two. Im not good with words but I know I love you both. So what do you say? Will you marry me?" Yoongi announced with anticipation.

Hoseok was about to scream the famous words 'yes' but was interrupted. "I-I don't deserve this..." Jimin backed away sadly, at a loss of words and in denial. Hoseok walked over to his smaller boyfriend gently, hugging him, "Yes you do Chim, everyone's forgiven you. We want nothing but your happiness so please accept this." The oarnge haired male assured. Yoongi stood up and walked over to the two, only more nervous for rejection. "Jiminie we love you..."

The pinkette took a deep breath in and out before turning to his boyfriends, a huge smile forming on his face. "Then...then yes. I love you both too! Like crazy." Jimin admitted, connecting the others in a hug. Once pulling away and all three an emotional mess, Yoongi slid the rings on his new fiancé's fingers. They each were silver with sapphires outlining the top.

Everyone clapped for the new couple, even Lia was excited. Once they got situated, Taehyung requested a clean-up as they hold a mini party. It wasn't a huge one because they didn't need random workers or helpers attending, only their few friends.

It didn't last long either. The Yoonminseok decided on a small wedding later since Jimin wanted to wear something pretty. Taehyung and Jungkook were truly happy at how far the trio has become. After eating dinner and chatting a bit, Jungkook struggling to feed Lia, they started heading back to their room. Onda was there with Jung-gyu and offered to watch the small princess, which Jungkook didn't hesitate to agree.

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