🏰 ep.27 🏰

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This is what Tae's room looks like by the way, just with a bed on the Left^^

Author P.O.V

Today was a rather extraordinary day, the King decided to wake up early and make history for the nation. Even he, himself did not know if this would turn out good, but he could only hope for the best.

Taehyung informed Jungkook only 2 hours before the ceremony, causing the young male to panic a bit. Taehyung had Lords alike and priest get the main things tooken care of and appear at the grand announcement.

You might be wondering what's happening. Well...Taehyung made today the day he announced Jungkook will rule be his side to the whole world. Setting a huge landmark in history. The higher up rank who were commanded to run the event, were shocked. They couldn't go against their King but they were certainly commenting things in their head. Some even tried to convince Taehyung this is wrong and he should get Yeri back. The young King just brushed them off, they will hear his opinion later.

Commoners who normally aren't welcomed were invited to this event, its public for the whole village even. The King wanted everyone to hear what he has to say.

Any event like the one that will take place requires preparation. They made Taehyung look bold and intimidating with a long maroon cape and his exspensive crown. They had to make Jungkook look precious and elegant, wearing something like he did to the Jeon palace. Hoseok was excited for this day, heck even Yoongi couldn't stop smiling. No one knows the outcomes but it's a small step towards freedom. Obviously there will be those who rebel but Taehyung is positive there is couples out there just praying to be set free. Tired from the judgement and hiding.

Now Taehyung was currently signing documents to transfer all rights to Jungkook and what responsibility he'll have to take over. He was lifting the law document before actually announcing it. He had a few surprises and tricks up his sleeve for later.

Currently, people were arriving at the castle ledge. Taehyung will stand on that ledge and say what he needs to in front of the crowd, his people. He was a nervous reck, biting his nails or punching a nearby desk or wall. He didn't want a rebellion thats for sure, but he wanted to make his point across. Taehyung needed to choose his words carefully. He didnt want neighboring Kingdoms to disown or belittle him either.

The clock was ticking down and getting closer to his appearance. They had Taehyung wait in a room by the ledge before queuing him to walk up. Jungkook was also put by his boyfriend, he was supposed to walk out on signal. Both were scared.

"You got this Tae! I believe in you." Jungkook smiled, putting up a fist. The older sighed, leaning down to peck Jungkook's lips, "Thanks baby, your words mean lot." Outside of the Kim family, Lords and soldiers cringed at their affection. Never seeing the same gender kiss in their life up until this moment.

"Your highness...your up." A guard informed. Taehyung took a deep breath, feeling like he might throw up from the nervousness eating at him. He nodded, looking at Jungkooks beautiful face one last time before leaving into the daylight.

Everyone clapped and cheered for their new King, grateful he allowed them to attend this event. The reporters found it suspicious the King willingly let commoners visit, so they made sure to record everything he said and all actions.

Taehyung smiled and waved to everyone down below who whistled and clapped their hands. He stood at the center of the ledge, taking a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking.

"Hello everyone! Glad you could make it!" He greeted with a stern and loud voice. "There is a few things I would like to announce before bringing out a special someone. This is very important to me and I hope you all accept my decision." Taehyung adds before continuing.

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