🏰 ep.26 🏰

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Despite what I wanted I decided to listen to everyones opinion, but there will many surprises in later episodes. I've never done a threesome before so like- how this will be intresting.

Taehyung P.O.V

I paced outside the medical wing for what feels like forever. I was anxious, excited, nervous, and many other emotions I cant describe. Jungkooks currently inside getting checked by Jin.

What if? Those questions popped in my mind and replayed itself. That night also crept it's way into my head. The night I decided to reward my boyfriend. If only I knew about this information sooner, gosh I would kill his father if my Kingdom didnt rest in the aftermath. A war definitely isn't what we don't need right now.

Jungkook barrying a child at this age. What have I done? I have to take full responsibility of this. I'm going to announce his status sooner because of the possibilities.

Ha-yoon practicly jumped on me from nowhere, "I heard the news!! Is he ok? Will I be an aunt?" Her questions made my head hurt. I pryed her off of me, "I dont know." I say flatly. She frowned, "Tae it will be alright. Yes it's a bit early, but no matter the outcome things will turn out okay." She reassured, patting my shoulder gently.

I sighed, "I put this kind of situation on him though, I'm the worst." I barry my face in my hands and hold back the tears trying to escape. I heard more shuffling feet before a tiny voice spoke up, "Where's Kookie?"

I looked up to see a girl, if I recall correctly it's Yuna. She has a worried exspression, fiddling with her tiny fingers. "Your majesty..." She bowed respectfully upon seeing me. I nod, turning to face the door that held my lover behind it. My mind was clouded with worry and questions, praying that dark wooden door would open any second.

"He's being a worry mess over here." My sister told the girl, chuckling. Yuna giggled and smiled, "that's ok, I'm worried too, to be honest."

Just then my prayers were answered when the door opened, revealing a stressed SeokJin. I immediately ran to the door but he stopped me with a hand to my chest. "Sorry Tae but he needs to rest, he is emotionally drained." The older warned me. I bit my lip worriedly, "Well? Tell me what happened!" I say a little harsh then intended. Jin seemed startled but did nothing, "Based on the results it seems he won't have a child. Whatever you two did was ineffective but there is a high chance if you do it again he will be pregnant."

I fell to my knees and was able to breath for once. A huge sigh of relief escaped my lips. Don't get me wrong, a child would be nice. But it's just too early and he would be in pain for a while. "Is he ok?" I ask after a while of calming down. Jin shrugged, "The process was draining but he'll be fine. Jungkookie is a strong boy."

I smiled, "Thanks Jin, for all you do." I got up slowly. He smiled as well, "It's no problem." He marked a few things on his clipboard. "You can see him in about an hour or so." The doctor concluded before closing the door.

I smiled a big dorky smile while turning to see the girls who overheard everything. "I wanted to be an Aunt though..." Ha-yoon pouted. "Dont worry, your wish will be granted maybe next year or something." I say. She looked up and grinned, "Yay!" Yuna smiled too, those two girls were so misheivious but meant well. They're so sweet and care about us, our pain is their pain.

"While we wait, you girls want some icecream?" I ask, thinking to reward them of being so kind and thoughtful. They look at each other before jumping up and down, chanting 'yes!' I smile at their excitement before motion them to the dining hall.

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