🏰 ep.21 🏰

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Author P.O.V

Not saying the King being murdered is a good thing. But it certainly helped two lovers live at ease now. Of coarse Taehyung was sad, he was extremely upset after being informed of an arrow, piercing his fathers heart.

But what can you say? His whole life, Taehyung was taught to except things and move on. So now he stands in Jungkooks room, leaning on the door frame. He immediately had Yeri move back to her home castle. The former prince had to pay an insane amount of money for breaking the deal and wasting their time but hey. It was worth it. Yeri can now go bother some other prince with her annoying attitude and pet names.

After the whole fiasco he got Jungkooks clothes transferred so here we are. Taehyung was closely watching his lover as the smaller male folded and unpacked everything.

Taehyung P.O.V

I could see Jungkook start to turn red as I watched him. "S-stop staring..." He whined, becoming flustered. I chuckled before getting off the door frame and sitting next to him on the bed as he finished up the last of his clothes and putting them away.

"I cant help it when my boyfriend is just so beautiful..." I bluntly state, bringing my index finger to Jungkooks jaw and making him face me. He turns even darker, looking to the side, avoiding my gaze.

I sigh before laying him down in my lap comfortably. My right arm was holding his shoulders up as he looked to me, confused on my actions. "Why dont you rest here ok? You look tired." I say, intertwining his fingers with mine. Jungkook simply nods, playing with our fingers.

After some comfortable silence  I decided to speak up, "So Koo how are you doing with this whole situation? I kinda feel bad for putting all this pressure on you." He thinks for a moment, "To be honest...I'm not sure. It happened so sudden. Yuna forcing me awake only to hear your father is dead. Suddenly I'm pulled into a room, asking to rule by your side. This is all new. What if your people dont accept me? I was a prince, yes. But this is a whole new level." Jungkook tells me honestly.

"True. But...this is new for everyone. If you want me to hold off on telling the world, I will." I reassure. He smiles up at me, "I mean your the King, do what you want." He says. I laugh at this, no one has really called me 'King' yet.

"I know were not married and all but...you'll be King too." I inform the smaller male in my arms. He frowns, "Yes...unfortunately I know. It all still seems to be a dream." Jungkook replies. "I can assure you, this is no dream, and you wanna know how I can tell?" I ask playfully. He gives me a suspicious look. "How?"

I smash my lips onto his. He gasped, shocked, and it took a second but he ended up kissing back. After a while I pulled away. "If this were a dream you wouldn't have been able to feel that, now would you?" I smirk.

"Tae!" Jungkook whines, crossing his arms over his chest. I chuckle at this, "Sorry Bae..." I lean my head down again and kiss his forhead. "You know...since your under me at night, I feel like you should be my queen instead." I remark with a stupid smile on my face. Jungkooks cheek heat up and he looks down to fiddle with his hands. "B-but I'm not a g-girl..." He mumbles. "I know Bun, just messing with you." I give him a quick peck. Something about those soft lips he has, I cant get enough.

"At my coronation tomorrow...I was thinking you come along. I wont announce who you are just yet, but you should be there." I say. He widens his eyes, "But only the best of the best can go! There is limited seating!" He exclaims worriedly. I laugh at his cute behavior. "But your a king now...duh! You keep forgetting that, aish what will I do with you?" I question playfully while pinching his nose. He slaps my hand away, "Its just new to finally have importance I guess..."

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