🏰 ep.32 🏰

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Author P.O.V

A few weeks had passed, everything had been going smoothly. Or so we thought. Jungkook was standing by the door frame, a pout present on his lips at the sight of Taehyung sitting at that dumb work desk.

Taehyung didn't lie, after they got back from their honeymoon work has piled in. Normally you'd think that's fine, they're supposed to complete all the assignments, outings, and deals. But to Jungkook everying was wrong. His husband wouldn't let him touch a single bit of the documents or do any outdoor check ups. Jungkook only wanted to help, trying to take the stressful amount of work off Taehyung's shoulders. But even if Jungkook insisted, the older would just brush him off and tell him to keep Ha-yoon company or go see Yuna.

This was all fine until Jungkook got bored of that. Ha-yoon was usually reading and Yuna had a job to do, tending to hurt soldiers or making remedies. Even seeing Jin got boring, going over the same things. Jungkook knew Taehyung was only doing this out of love, but the young King was fed up with just standing around.

"Tae please take a break! If not then at least let me help. Your going to overwork yourself." Jungkook pleaded, walking over to the desk with piles of paper stacked on it. "Koo we've been over this, let me finish." Taehyung let out, signing dozens of papers after skimming through the italicized paragraphs. Jungkook huffed, sitting on the edge of the said desk. "Yes, but I'm bored, I want to be useful."

Taehyung sighed, putting the paper in his hand down. "You want to be useful? Bring me some strawberries then, freshly picked from the garden." Jungkook jumped up, excited to be given a task. "Okay! I'll go right now!" The younger happily kissed Taehyung on the cheek before exiting to the said garden.

Jungkook went down flights of stairs and to the back of his castle. Normally all the Herbalists and their aprentices would be in the vegatable or flower garden. The small King didn't see any out today which was fine, he liked the peace anyways. Jungkook casually picked up a woven basket set aside, resting it on his hip as he walked to the strawberry section.

He picked out the bright, juicy strawberries, the ones that held lots of flavor. His basket slowly started filling up, wanting to show his husband he could be productive. Jungkook suddenly dropped a strawberry upon hearing a familiar voice.

"Y-your majesty why are you doing this type of work alone?" When the young King turned around, he was met with the sight of a timid Jimin. "O-oh um...Taehyung wanted strawberries so I came to get them." Jungkook replied truthfully.

"Want me to get the maids to help? Or do you want me to help?" Jimin offered, scared he might get in trouble for not helping the lonely King. "That's alright Jimin, I got this." Jungkook smiled, continuing to look through the bushels of bright red colored fruit. "Do you want me to leave?" Jimin questioned. Truth be told, he was still scared to approach the younger, someone he previously hurt to the point of scaring the poor assistants memory.

"You can keep me company if you want." Jungkook spoke, putting the strawberry he found in his basket. Jimin was suprised, guess Jungkook really put the past behind them. The blonde male smiled, "S-sure." Jimin stammered, going to sit on the concrete block used for watering the plants every morning and night.

"How has your day been your highness?" Jimin decided to speak up, plucking a nearby grape and eating it. The grape section was right near the strawberry one and the older just couldn't help himself. "It's been boring so far, up until coming outside." Jungkook responded, counting the strawberries in his basket.

Jimin gasped, "Really? I thought you'd be busy or something." Jungkook frowned, "Apparently not." Going to another section to get more strawberries. "What about you?" The younger asked. "Me? I've been following Jung-Gyu around all day. Making sure he wasn't late to any of his training classes or skipped a lesson. He is resting now and I ended up here."

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