🏰 ep. 34 🏰

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Sorry for the late update! I was on vacation...

Author P.O.V

Today was quit exciting. Loud trumpets were heard to signal the Park kingdom carriage. Jungkook was woken up early to distract Jin for today's afternoon event. Taehyung scheduled a meeting with Namjoon and Park Hyung-sik to discuss the plan.

"So Jungkook is keeping Jin company, like normal, and make sure he doesn't leave the medical wing. What do you have in mind Joon?" Taehyung asked his two friends sitting on the leather couch. Namjoon was playing with his fingers excessively, which was weird. He could barely keep his thoughts together, never thinking he would be aloud to marry a male. He was always told he will be married off for the better to a lovely girl from upper class. Namjoon felt like he owed King Taehyung in a way for allowing him such a history making opportunity.

"I was t-thinking we s-set up a s-simple scenery with some lights a-and signs. You know...since my boyfriend doesn't like over-the-top things." The purple haired soldier exsplained. "Sounds good, but relax buddy. You haven't even asked him yet. Also, I'll take you to buy a ring, Jin has weird tastes." Taehyung chuckled, seeing Namjoon tense up. Park Hyung-sik seemed fine with everything as well, happy his best man was doing something to benefit himself. But suddenly, Taehyung thought of an inevitable question.

"And Park...which Kingdom will they stay in? Personally, I can't live without Jin always there for me." The younger King asked, a little scared his doctor will be leaving him after eight solid years of friendship. Park Hyung-Sik thought for a moment, "Namjoon is my best man...my protector. I dont want him to leave." The older King awnsered with a hint of sadness as well. "What could Jin do at your castle? I mean, I know he can be a doctor. But Jin already knows the adverage of everyone here, it would be hard for him to adjust. Namjoon can be Jungkook's personal guard since I trust him the most." Taehyung seggusted and tried to reason.

This was obviously the most logical possiblity. Once Taehyung sets his mind on a goal, he gets it done no matter what. Mr.Park also thinks leaving his personal soldier, as well as friend, at this palace would be better. Namjoon is definitely happier here, it's shown on his face even if he tried to deny it.

"What do you want Joon?" The younger King questioned. Namjoon took a deep breath and let out a sigh, "I dont wanna move my precious boyfriend for something as complex as this. He would probably get overwhelmed, so staying here is probably best." Namjoon had other reasons too, like how he grew accustomed to Yuna and Ha-yoon. Those two troublemakers were like his and Jin's kids. He also liked King Taehyung and Jungkook, remember how he felt to owe Taehyung? Well this was the perfect opportunity, serve the King for letting him have such an amazing future and not a forced one.

"It's settled then, I'll sign the papers for transfer." Park Hyung-Sik stood up, patting Namjoon on the back assuringly before leaving to the desk with said papers. "Wanna head down to start setting things up?" Taehyung asked the soldier. "Sure!" Namjoon replied, jumping up with new energy. Taehyung chuckled, motioning to the door.

They wrapped everything up. Mr.Park was left to sign papers and everyone else helped set up the casual yet formal event. Once Jungkook got word everything was ready to go, he had to persuade SeokJin to leave. It's hard sometimes when Jin is persistent.

"Yoy wanted me to stay but now we leave? Honey are you sure you don't have a fever?" Jin questioned, pressing a hand to the young King's forhead. Jungkook swat his hand away, "Hyungie I promise you wont regret it. Please just follow me..." The younger tried to drag his friend to the regular castle grounds but the doctor wouldn't move.

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