🏰 ep.13 🏰

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Jungkook P.O.V

Me and Yuna had been at the garden all evening. I made sure to inform Jin incase he got worried, he was a bit uneasy about the ball with everything going on. I thought that this was the perfect time to be distracted, I cant bare the thought of what's going on in that huge and bold room hosting the event. But I trust my prince.

"Look!" I heard the young girl shout. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to her. She was holding a...frog?

"Put that down! What are you thinking?" I gasp and jump away from her as she held the creature to my face. Yuna only giggles at this, "Its okay, he won't hurt you. Maybe if you kiss it, prince Taehyung will appear." And I was met with a smirk plastered on her face.

"What? Eww that's gross. Yuna stop playing." I chuckle as she gently sets the frog in the pond with a frown. "So...what do you wanna do now?" I shrug, "We've done a lot, I'm kind of tired." I rest my head against the edge as I sit on the floor. She hopped off the ledge and joined me.

"We need to do something..." She trails off. "And why is that?" I question. Her face showed a hint of guilt, "You can act strong but I can see Kookie...you miss him." I let out a deep sigh, am I being that obvious? Or did she just guess?

"You're right unfortunately...its like you see right through me." I let out a little laugh. "I just know where you stand in this moment of time. I too know what that feelings is like." She smiles sadly before patting my head. Though I'm older I feel like were the same age in a way. "Just...dont worry too much, it's bad for you." I smile, "If its so bad for me I would have been dead by now." I playfully stick my tongue out.

She does the same action I'm return, "Well I'm sure the prince needs you alive." I shake my head slightly, she's right. "What happened to you though?" I suddenly recall her first words. "Oh uh...its complicated." She sighed. "I have all the time in the world as of now." I rest my head in my hands as I wait for her to continue.

"Haha true..." She fiddles with the blonde tips at the end of her lighter brunette hair. "Well, I mean it's not important now. For I dearly loved my older sister but I was too late by the time she was sent off to another kingdom forver. Not banished or anything, it was weird. Haven't seen her since." Yuna's eyes brim with tears.

I wasted no time and braught her into a hug, "I'm so sorry," I say sadly. She shrugs, "Nothing I can do now..." She looks at me with glistening eyes, "What's your story? I mean...how you are a servant and all." I let her go and thought deeply, "Just like you its complicated." I chuckle at these words, how the tables have turned.

"Well...list away my friend." She laughs along. "Uhh let's start with I'm a banished prince." I say calmly. She jumped up from the floor with her mouth hanging open. "YOU'RE A WHAT?!" And I swear she scared all the birds resting here away. I giggle, it's everyone's reaction.

"Yah! Not too loud." I pat the spot beside me and she sits down again, but very slowly. "Are you sure cause like- those are only in myths." I shrug again, "Not to me, I have to live with it every day. Now as I was saying~" I glare at her playfully and she smiles guitily.

"To put it short my dad banished me simply because I didnt fit standards for the throne. I ended up here to be a servant. Taehyung found me one day when my old 'boss' was abusing me-ish. At the time she wasnt but she did later. Taehyung and I got to know each other, he got me a room in the hall of royals. We grew closer and now dating. Very unique story." I chuckle bitterly at all these thoughts, they brought back painful memories.

She was dead silent. I looked over to see her eyes as wide as saucers. "I-I-" Yuna just stuttered. I ruffled her hair, "Its ok, like you said there is nothing really I can do." She smiled, "I did say that but...I'm just- so sorry that happened. It's far worse then what the myths sent them out to be." I nod at her. She walks over to the rose compartment and picks out a white one. She then makes her way back to me. "I'm praying for your happy ending."

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