🏰 ep.37 🏰

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Author P.O.V

When Taehyung rushed in the room he felt his heart relax but also speed up. Tears quickly developed in his eyes at the sight. There sat his lovely husband, tired and weary, holding a little baby. Taehyung never thought he would be so happy to hear loud cries, never less having a child with the one he truly loved.

Jungkook didn't hold back and continued to cry at the baby in his arms, the word 'happy' couldn't even describe this very moment. The older King rushed to his husband. Jungkook was alive, the baby was alive, all is good.

Jin had previously cleaned up the baby from the blood and other substances covering it, wrapping the baby in exspensive cloth. And to Jungkook's wishes, the child was a girl. She had chesnut colored hair that was barely visible along with pretty light brown eyes. She had the facial structure of Taehyung but her nose, and presuming smile, was like Jungkooks.

Currently, she was crying for obvious reasons. But instantly spotting Taehyung, a new face, she stopped and stared at him curiously. "H-hi baby, I'm your appa!" Taehyung informed with the fondest smile on his face, speaking so gently. The girl couldn't speak so she just made little gurgling sounds. Jungkook cradled the baby more then carefully, like she was the most precious thing in the world.

Ha-yoon and Ji-yeon rushed in, seeing the baby and Jungkook safe made their hearts at ease. The two princesses thought it would be best to let Taekook enjoy their child first.

Taehyung lent over and kissed his husband short and passionately. "I'm so proud of you Jungkook, more then glad your safe. Damn you went through so much and it payed off! We have a child! Your so amazing Koo, I love you so much." Taehyung smiled, tears beginning to stream down his face. Jungkook giggled, wiping some of the olders tears, "I c-couldn't have done it without you Tae."

If course this sentence spoken by the young King was literally correct. But he meant from the beginning, if Taehyung didn't save Jungkook then who knows they would be now. They needed each other and pushed through all hard times, now look where they are. Effort really does pay off.

Taehyung sat down next to Jungkook, who passed their baby girl over. The older King coo'd as he moved the girl back in forth, causing her to erupt in adorable giggles. The parents of the said girl smiled at the scene.

"Koo, what will we name her?" Taehyung asked softly. Jungkook thought for a minute before smiling widely, "H-how about Lia?" Taehyung liked the suggestion, loving how simple yet beautiful the name sounded.

"Lia it is," The older King confirmed, bringing his lips to plant a kiss on the baby's forhead. Every part of this moment felt like a dream, but the best part was it's a dream that came true. Never would anyone have thought to get this far, this wonderful of, not past nor future- but present.

Painful memories, horrible past, enduring the hurt brought something people rarely make it to. Taehyung and Jungkook made it, made it past the sorrow. Their chapters took a turn for the better, bringing those around them happiness as well.


Lia stayed in a clear space for a while, by Jin to make sure she stayed healthy. Jungkook had to stay as well to make sure no irregularities happened. All their friends visited, Taehyung's siblings, Ji-yeon, Yuna, Namjin, Yoonminseok, even Mrs.Kim. They loved the baby and brought her so many gifts. Lia will definitely be one spoiled baby with lots of love.

Jungkook was just discharged or- aloud to leave the medical wing today, taking Lia with. Taehyung already had a playroom, baby room, and resting room set up and ready to go. He also got a crib and other necessities in their room. They scheduled for the Kingdom to hear about Lia sometime next week, announcing there will be a heir to the throne.

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