Chapter 1

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"Victoria! Victoria! She's coming home! she's coming home, my Athena is coming home," I shouted as I ran towards my wife who was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. "Ath...Ath. Athena, she's coming back Victoria, she is coming back," I pant. 

Victoria's eyes widened in shock.

"Athena's coming? When? How do you even know this, Christopher it has been eight years and she has not contacted anyone, and now you're telling me that she is coming. Where exactly is she coming from? Where did she even go to in the first place? She never bothered to inform us when she ran away, and now all of a sudden she tells us she's coming back, she is not welcome here Chris."

"She is our daughter Victoria, our princess, she is always welcome here, this is her home," I tell her.

Victoria gives me a perplexed look.

"There is a reason she ran away Chris, and because of that we moved forward with a normal life without breaking traditions and now her coming back means we will have to be on the lookout for the council, they cannot know Christopher, they cannot, and Athena can't come."

''I know dear, but I will not let the council scare me when my daughter is finally coming back, I have already endured eight long years without her and I'm not getting any younger either so Athena will come and she will stay here and be with us when her brother takes up the alpha position, and that's my final decision as a father and as the alpha of the Crimson Pack, " and with that I left the house.

*flashback eight years ago*
"Dad! dad! Ethan stole my paintings again," a 16yr old Athena walked into my office in overalls covered in paint.

"I did not steal it dad, I simply borrowed one." Ethan said as he walked in behind her.

"And would you care to tell dad why exactly you 'borrowed' my painting?" she said while air quoting on the word borrowed.

"I uhhh...ahem... I uhhh," stuttered Ethan. 

"Yes Ethan, go ahead brother why don't you tell dad your reason, I'm sure he would looovvveee to know," Athena adds while smirking at him.

"Okay kids break it up, Ethan return your sisters painting back to her, Athena go clean-up we have matters to attend to."

''Yes dad,'' they both said in unison and left my office.

"I'll tell Camilla to return the painting if you want it back sis," I hear Ethan say. 

"Nah, she can have it, wouldn't want your girlfriend being mad at you now ,would we?" I heard Athena reply. "An angry Camilla is a I-don't-care-who-I-hurt Camilla and trust me, I wouldn't want to be in the middle of that," she continued.

I shook my head chuckling, and mind linked my beta, Robert. "We need to start making preparations, the full moon is tomorrow and I want to be ready for Athena's first shift.''

"Yes, Alpha everything will be ready by tomorrow evening," he replied and the link is then cut off.

"Athena, honey, stop playing with your breakfast and eat up, you need to be fully ready for tonight Victoria says the next morning.

"I know mom, I just........" Athena trailed off.

'"oooooohhhhh is our little princess scared?" teased Ethan.

"To be very honest, yes I am. Just the thought of transforming scares me, I mean breaking every bone in your body is terrifying and painful too, right dad?" she gave me a questioning look.

"I'm not going to lie princess, the first shift is always painful, but once you are fully transformed you will feel the rush, the power and the energy flow through you. When that happens I want to you to give in to your wolf, let her take over and run, be free, enjoy the world through the eyes of your wolf.

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