Chapter 36

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''Dinner is here your royal highnesses!!!'' a voice calls from the living area as I groan. ''God damn it! We need to start locking the front door.''

''No point in doing that, he will just break it and enter,'' Theo mumbles sleepily. ''Come on get up.''

I groggily walk to the bathroom and wash my face. I look down at the wound in my thigh which Theo had carefully bandaged. Once we've both freshened up we walk down to meet Charles who is lounging on one of the couches.

''About time you two got here; I've laid out the dinner so we can chat while eating. You both have a lot to tell me.''

We all walk to the kitchen and my mouth waters at the sight. Chinese, Ohh yes!!

The three of us sit at the counter digging in to the chili garlic chicken, noodles and egg rolls. ''This is so good,'' I say with my mouthful.

''Where are your manners Athena; you shouldn't talk with your mouth full,'' Charles scolds.

''Okay, MOM.'' I roll my eyes at him.

''So, tell me everything that happened,'' and we start to re call it all to him.

''Your sister is her exes mate!! This is gold man!! I wish i was there!'' Charles yells excitedly.

''Also the fact that we are in danger because the witches have the rogues under their control but who cares about that anyway; right Charles?'' I glare at him.

''Oh umm yeah, that's bad. Very bad. What will we do about it?''

''We have to be on high alert, the patrols have to increase the radius when doing perimeter checks. We ourselves need to start going on checks too,'' Theo says.

''I agree; we need to be vigilant and inform the other packs too.''

''And what about Caleb?'' Charles asks, ''He is currently in the cells and we're going tomorrow to question him,'' Theo answers.

**Cough **cough ...'' Torture him,'' I say with a glint of evil in my eyes.

''Woahh there, slow down; you've been hanging out with Sebastian a lot. Are you sure he didn't cast a spell on you or something because you surely do sound like him,'' Charles retorts.

''Nahh nothing like that. Caleb has had it coming for a long time.''

We finish up our dinner and clean up as Charles leaves.

Well love since we had a good nap this afternoon what do you wish to do tonight?'' Theo asks as he rubs circles on my back.

''How about a movie? You got something in mind?'' I suggest.

''How about a marvel movie marathon? Though I have a feeling you will say no,'' he says skeptically.

''Are you kidding me! I love love love the MCU and Captain America is my absolute favorite. I mean those eyes, that jawline, oooohhhhh,'' I day dream and he clears his throat, ''You know I'm right here love.''

''oh yeah...hey there,'' I joke and he rolls his eyes. ''come on, let's start from Iron Man.''

''He is your favorite isn't he?'' I ask him. ''he is right? Right?'' and he nods. ''I knew it!!''

I run up to our room and grab a soft blanket and rush back to the couch. Theo makes space for me and I cuddle up to him as the movie starts.

''Wake up sleepy heads, it's torture day!!!'' Charles shouts as he walks in. ''What the hell,'' I grumble and get up. Oh looks like we slept on the couch last night.

''Charles you idiot, don't you have some manners? How can you just walk in here like that?''

''I don't even want to know what you two were doing on that couch the whole night; just go get changed and make sure you put on your best torture friendly clothes.''

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