Chapter 20

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It's been two days since my fight with Caleb and the changes in the pack are prominent. Aside from the female guard even other women like the omegas from the kitchen, housewives and some women who are almost the age of my mom are seen on the training field as Hazel explains fighting tactics to them.

I stand from afar watching them with a proud smile on my face as I sense a presence next to me and sigh, "You've inspired a lot of women to come forward and fight for themselves, it's quite a feat," he says in his smooth velvety voice. "Thank you," I say and continue to watch the females. 

"Theo must have told you about me, I'm sure of that," he continues and I hmm in response. "I want you to know that I'm over it and I sincerely want to be part of his pack again," he concludes and I turn to look at him, "why are you telling me this Sebastian?" I question. "Because I want you to know that I'm not a bad guy, yes I had wanted to be alpha but that was years ago. I'm over it now and to be honest I couldn't have done what Theo has accomplished in 4 years." He says in a soft tone.

I nod and give him a small smile half expecting him to leave but he continues, "I'd really like to be your friend Athena. Everyone else looks at me with distaste and you're the only one who tolerates me. I'm living in a big pack like this one but have no one to talk to," He whispers and a small part of me feels sorry for him, but I know what he's done in the past and he might even do it again but then what if he has really changed. I was really confused and I did what any sane person would do; I gave him a small smile, patted his shoulder and walked away.

I spent a lot of the afternoon pondering over Sebastian's words. Did he really mean what he said, has he really changed?

"Is something bothering you love?" Theo asks as we eat our dinner. "No, nothing I'm fine. I really miss home," I say softly. "This is your home Athena," Theo tells me and I snort out a laugh. "I meant I miss Crimson, my parents and Ethan," I say and he nods in understanding, "I understand love, though I'm glad you don't miss the beta," He responds and I look at him incredulously. 

"Really Theo, you're still holding on to that?" I question him, shake my head and continue, "I moved here with you, I stay in your house, I sleep in your room with you. My choice is clear, you don't have to worry about Axel," I say as I place my hands on his cheek and he kisses it. "Let me correct you love. It's our home and our room, what's mine is yours," He says honestly and I couldn't help but lean forward and place a soft kiss on his lips but he had other plans as he pushes his plate to the side and pulls me into his lap so that I'm now straddling him.

I try to adjust myself properly but he emits a low growl, "now that's not a wise thing to do love," his voice is husky and I stop as I realized what just happened. I widened my eyes in shock and a blush crept up my cheeks as I hide my face in the crook of his neck. He chuckles and says, "you're cute when you blush," and I look up at him as our eyes meet. His gaze travels to my lips and I lean forward. He takes this as a consent and immediately crashes his lips to mine, his hands travel up to my waist lifting my t-shirt up a little as his fingers graze the skin and it tingles upon his touch. We continue making out for a few minutes until the door slams open and there stands Charles in all his glory. We pull away quickly and Theo glares at Charles clearly annoyed that he interrupted our moment. "This better be good Charles," he scolds as I get up and make my way to the living room.

"Well sorry to mess up your chances of getting laid man but there is a problem at the border and we need you," Charles replies annoyingly. Theo immediately gets into Alpha mode as he walks out of the door "lead the way," he commands. "I'm coming with you," I say and follow them out.

As we reach the borders I get a rotten stench coming from the direction of the crowd gathered, upon closer inspection I realize it's a group of guards surrounding someone. When we get there the stench becomes overpowering and I almost throw up. It can only mean one thing. A rogue wolf.

A rogue wolf is one who does not have anyone to call his own, doesn't have a mate or a pack. Most rogue wolves are people who have lost their mates or their families. They lose their mind, their sense of direction, they don't know what's right or wrong. They're rotten from inside; it's why they have that stench.

"Where did you find him?" Theo asks. "He was hiding in one of the bushes sir, it seems like he was waiting for someone. We tried to get him to talk but he won't say a word," explains one of the guards.

"Thank you Bruce, anything else?" Theo asks. "No sir, we checked the surrounding areas but everything is clear; He was here alone. We liaised with Eclipse pack guards but everything is clear from their end," Bruce confirms.

"What happened, I heard one of the guards say there is a commotion at the borders?" Sebastian asks as he comes running up to join us, a worried look on his face. Theo explains everything to him and he nods as he scratches his head in thought and spots me standing there.

"Did he hurt you Athena? Are you okay?" He says coming closer to check on me as I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Theo attempts to stop him from touching me but Charles holds him back and shakes his head.

"I'm fine Sebastian, I was not even here when it all happened," I state as I take a step back and cross my arms and I see him sigh in relief. Confusion etches on my face as I look at him.

"Take him to the cells, I'll deal with him tomorrow!" Theo commands and two guards drag him away.

"Come on cookie," Charles says wrapping his hands around my shoulders. As we get to the house we all sit in silence thinking about what just happened. "Why was Sebastian so worried about you Athena?" Theo asks. "Yeah, it was weird and creepy at the same time. That man is not capable of caring for anyone," Charles adds and Theo gives him a look of displeasure.

"I honestly found it a bit weird, but then again he did offer me his friendship this morning," I reply and they both stare at me dumbfounded. "I hope you said no, I can't trust that guy with a sandwich let alone friendship, " Charles comments.

"I didn't reply and just walked away," I say. "Hypothetically speaking, if I were to accept his offer of friendship ; on a scale of one to ten how bad do you think it will be?"

"At least a twenty," Replies Charles as I look at Theo who seems to be deep in thought. He looks up at me as he notices me staring. "I can't tell you to choose your friends love, It's up to you. but I would advise you to be cautious," He says.

Charles has now left and it's just me and Theo sitted in the living room. As the clock strikes 12 he pulls me into a kiss and says, "Happy Birthday Love," I looked at him surprised, "how did you know?" I ask.

"I did my research," He smirks and I roll my eyes at him. "So I was thinking; tomorrow you can spend your whole day with your parents and Ethan. I have already informed them," he says.

"But...but...Theo, what about ugh... don't you want me to spend it with you?" I ask him annoyed.

"I do want that love, but your parents are important to you too, so you can spend the day with them and when you return you can spend the rest of the evening with me. It's a win-win situation," He winks and I laugh.

"Seems like you have it all planned, so who am I to spoil it," I respond and he nods.

"Let's head to bed, I have a rogue to deal with first thing tomorrow morning, "Theo states and we walk up to our room.

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