Chapter 31

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We started running towards the borders when suddenly my phone rang. I hastily picked it up without checking the caller id.

''Athena, my precious; I would like to have a word with you,'' he says and I roll my eyes.

''Now is really not a good time Scott. '' 

''Oh Athena, it is always a good time to talk to me. I have things I need to discuss with you that require your utmost attention,'' he says sharply.

''Love, we need to go, '' Theo says with urgency in his voice and I look at him and then at my phone as I contemplate on what to do.

''Athena precious, if you do not discuss matters with me right now you can say goodbye to our deal and find yourself someone else to manufacture your designs. I am a very busy man; I have places to be at and things to do, '' I hear Scott say in an annoyed voice.

Theo holds his hand out for me to take as I stay put; clearly at crossroads. My family and friends or my career. I look back and forth a few times and take my decision.

''You know what Scott; that's perfectly fine. I also have someplace to be, so if you wish to terminate our agreement; fine by me. Just arrange to send all my designs back to me. Thank you and goodbye, '' I say monotonously and disconnect the call before he can even reply.

''Come on let's go, '' I say as I take Theo's hand in mine.

We reach the borders and come face to face with chaos. My eyes widen at all the mayhem. There is blood everywhere. The air reeks of death. Rogues all over the place and in the midst of it all; Caleb.

A growl forms in my throat as I catch sight of the traitor, anger boils in me like molten lava and I feel Theo's too. We both look at each other; ''Let's go give them hell love, '' he says with a smirk and I return one of my own as we run into the battlefield; Theo transforming into his wolf mid-air and landing right on top of a few rogues tearing them apart in an instant.

I choose to fight in my human form for now. I lift off one rogue who was latched to Mila's back and break his spine as she fends off another one. ''About time you got here; they just keep on coming!'' she shouts over the chaos and I give her a smile as I take down another one.

We keep on fighting, taking down rogue after rogue. I look around and see some of our own fallen people too. I lose focus for a second as my eyes become blurry with tears.

''Athena! Behind you,'' I hear Ethan's voice from a distance but I'm too late to turn as a wooden stake is lodged into my right shoulder and a loud scream escapes my mouth. I turn and I'm now face to face with my attacker. '' Athena! '' I hear Charles scream and the attacker's eyes widen in realization.

''So you're her, '' she says spitefully and I tilt my head in question.

''How do you know me?'' I ask and she laughs like a maniac. ''Our boss talks about you a lot, says he wants something from you. Makes me wonder what you have that the rest of us don't,'' she sneers as we circle each other, the stake still in her hand.

I bet she's talking about Caleb, that little shit has made everyone despise me. I size my opponent and notice that she is almost the same build as me, I see her doing the same as we continue circling each other.

''You know you shouldn't have attacked me from behind; shows how much of a coward you are,'' I say trying to rile her up. It works, and she lunges at me ready to strike again but I dodge it. Before she could recover from that I swiftly kicked her legs and she fell to ground letting go of the stake.

I picked it up and knelt beside her as I stabbed her on the thigh with it.

''You bitch!!'' she yelled.

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