Chapter 8

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The sudden outburst from Charles causes Theo to loosen his grip on my hand. I take this as a chance to run back into the dining hall. I barely catch my breath when I hear dad calling me to his side.

''There she is, my princess.'' He says proudly as I walk to the table where all the Alphas, Lunas and their Beta's are seated.
''Athena, it's good that you've joined us,'' Mom smiles at me warmly and I return a forced smile.

"Everyone, this is my daughter Athena who had been in Toronto for the past eight years, she returned back to us three months ago,'' Dad announces.

''This is Benjamin Reed, Alpha of the Shadow Pack, his beta Andrew Walter and his son Sean who will soon be taking over their pack.'' I smile and nod at all of them.

''It's nice to officially meet you Athena, your father has been talking about you non-stop for the past hour,'' Benjamin laughs and slaps his hand on dad's back playfully.

''It's nice to meet you too,'' I reply in a professional voice as my eyes scan the room.

''I'm afraid my wife couldn't make it to the ceremony, she had matters to attend to,'' He adds as he catches my line of sight. ''ohh, that's too bad, I would've loved to meet her, do pass my regards to her.''

''Will do, girly. I'm sure Emily would've loved to meet you too,'' He says with a smile.

"Next we move to Ashton Walker, Alpha of the Eclipse Pack and his Luna Olivia Walker. ''It's a pleasure to meet you Athena,'' She says in a sweet honey-like voice,''you're incredibly beautiful'' she adds.

I smile and return the compliment. She seems like a sweet woman, could be about 4-5 years older than me. ''You should come by Eclipse pack sometime and we can sit, have some tea and talk. I raise my eyebrows at the mention of tea, she chuckles slyly and says ''or wine, we can drink and talk over wine.''
I laugh in agreement and say, ''definitely wine.''

I also meet their beta Maxwell and soon Ethan joins us, I hug him and congratulate him as he kisses my forehead in return, causing everyone to aww at us.

''Now there is only one other Alpha I need you to meet, but I can't seem to find him,"Dad says.

I instantly know who he is talking about. 'it's okay dad maybe some other time,'' I say softly and excuse myself from the group.
''What the hell dude!!'' you completely ruined my moment man,'' I hiss at Charles as he looks at me with mirth. ''You found her, dude you found her! Finally,'' he exclaims.

''Yeah and she ran away because of you in case you didn't notice'' I state. ''Theo, brother, chill, she couldn't have gone far, this is her brothers' party; calm down will go find her don't worry,'' he says in a whispered tone.
''The only thing I'm worried about is her not wanting to go with me, I saw the look in her eyes Charles, I can't leave her here now that I've found her. You have no idea of the rage I felt when that guy had his arms around her. I wanted to rip his arms off his body for touching her.'' I say with venom in my voice.

''You've only met her once and you're this possessive about her,'' He chuckles while shaking his head. I give him a look that shuts him up and continue.,''you've no idea how it felt when I first laid my eyes on her, she is exquisite man, and her scent; bloody hell she smells like wildflowers and blueberries with a subtle hint of passion fruit.'' I say as I imagine her perfect face and her soft skin when I held her hand.
''whoooaaa man you're whipped!'' Charles exclaims as he slaps my back. '' come on, let's go inside and make your mate uncomfortable, what say?''

''Don't you even dare do that Charles, I don't want to scare her.'' I threaten him. ''oh come on man, a little fun did no one no harm.'' He winks at me and goes inside the dining hall as I follow him shaking my head.
I sense him before I can even see him and know that he is in the room. I try to get out of the hall but Mom comes forward and latches her arm in mine and drags me towards him. ''Theo, it's nice to see you again, how is Lila? Do pass my regards to her.'' Mom says sweetly, a little too sweetly if you ask me and I look at her skeptically.

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