Chapter 18

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It has now been a little over 2 weeks since I came to Crescent pack. Things have slowly begun to fall in place. Theo and I now have a daily routine where we go for our run and have breakfast together, we have moved forward in our relationship and I have semi-permanently moved into his room.

My bond with Hazel, Rachel and Cathy has improved too. We are like this cliche high school girl gang that does everything together. I never had girl friends in the city or at Crimson so I welcomed this new part of my life happily. I haven't told the girls that I'm Theo's mate; their soon to be Luna, it would bring awkwardness in our friendship.

Charles and I continue with our banters which mostly result in him insulting Theo and me seating back and watching them run after each other, if an outsider would see their Alpha and Beta chasing each other like children they'd probably faint.

My best times are undoubtedly with Theo, he makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world and nobody else matters, he makes me feel things that I've never felt for anyone before in my life; not even Axel, but most importantly he makes me feel safe and accepted.

My worst times however are every time Sebastian pops up. How he manages to do that, I have no idea. I could be walking around the pack and he somehow manages to creep up to me and start a conversation. I can only ignore him one too many times before I give in.

It's pack breakfast day today and Theo, Charles and I are making our way to the pack house. I'm dressed casually in a pair of black leggings and a black t-shirt with a purple scarf hanging around my neck, I decided to put my hair in to a braid today and that was all Charles needed to start his nagging. ''ohh Athena, who dressed you today, the great depression?'' he asks as he joins me and Theo and I roll my eyes at him. ''yeah, and I have a message from it for you,'' I say as I eye his look and find him dressed to perfection. ''Well what would it be cookie?" he urges me. ''I'll tell you next time,'' I shrug since I pretty much didn't have an answer to that

''oooohhhhh looks like Athena doesn't have a comeback for me,'' He teases as I stick my tongue out at him like a two-year-old and Theo chuckles. ''What's so funny?'' I snap at him clearly annoyed. ''nothing love, but Charles wins this time,'' He says as Charles gives him a hi-five. I look at my mate in disbelief, ''you're supposed to be on my side!'' I declare and he shrugs, ''I'm not on anyone's side here, I'm nothing but an innocent audience to you two.''

''I don't believe this,'' I say exasperatedly and start walking faster to the pack house to get away from the both of them. I immediately spot Cathy and Devin at our table and wave at them. ''Hey guys,'' I say and they both greet me back as I take a seat at my usual spot on the table with a clear view of Theo and Charles, soon the rest of the gang joins us, Rachel being the last one. ''Heyyy same to same.'' She says excitedly pointing at our scarves as she is wearing the same one as mine except hers is green. ''Yeah totally twinning,'' I reply with the same enthusiasm.

As everyone starts to settle down I notice a tall slim girl with long brunette hair sauntering towards the high table as she flips her hair backwards and pushes a young boy out of her way.

 ''Oh god, she's back'' Hazel groans.

"Who's that?" I ask as I take a spoonful of my scrambled eggs. "That is Elena Cavanaugh. The biggest bitch to walk the face of this earth" Cathy says, "And she is after the Luna position," Rachel adds and I almost choke on my food. "Whattt!" I bawl, they all turn to look at me clearly shocked at my outburst. I compose myself before I continue and say, "I mean, umm she knows that she can't get it right? It's not like she is the alpha's mate." I say casually.

"Yeah, but a girl can dream," Rachel says a matter of factly and I stare at her dumbfounded.

"Hiii there Theo, missed me? I bet you did," Elena says in a high pitched voice and I feel a growl erupting in my throat as I grit my teeth hard to stop it.

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