Chapter 46

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''That act of betrayal did not sit well with me darling. Injecting me with wolfs-bane. Seriously! I'd rather have you stab me in the back!!'' he walks closer to me and I move back until my back touches the barrier.

''This is not you Sebastian, please stop this nonsense.''

''Ohhh darling, but this is me.Did you know that I came here for revenge. The night I first saw you; I was just running by the borders marking my positions when I caught sight of you in your room. Truth to be told I was mesmerized by your beauty, I just wanted to stand there and watch you all night,'' he says and proceeds to rub my cheek with his fingers.

''Get your hands off of her you bastard!!'' I hear Theo shout. The others have now come out from their hiding place and are watching the scene taking place.

He ignores Theo and continues, ''I kept coming back to watch you but on the third night you called him,'' he points to Theo, ''my blood boiled from seeing him there with you and I ran when I saw you all coming after me.''

''You.... went there but there was no scent, why?'' I question him.

''Well darling you see; I have been planning this for the past four years, I looked for the witches and told them of my plan, they already hated my uncle so they did not need much convincing. and so they made me a talisman that concealed my scent, '' he says and reveals the talisman that hung around his neck.

''Everything was set when I came back, I got accepted into the pack and my brother forgave me. I was to let this charade go for like two months and then kill Theo. But then I met you, I had to spend more time with you and the more we talked, the more we argued, the more we hung out; I fell in love with you and that Athena, was my only mistake, which is why my plans got delayed.''

''This is crazy Sebastian, we were friends; I thought of you as a friend, I cared for you as a friend!''

''You see that's the problem Athena!!'' he yells, ''you only saw me as a friend but I love you, I love you so much that once this all goes down, I want you by my side darling, as my Luna and together we will rule over this pack! I do have big plans for you.''

My mind flashes back to the time the rogues attacked Shadow and the conversation with the rogue I stabbed. She told me her boss had big plans for me; she meant Sebastian, damn it!

''You're crazy to think that I'll ever be with you Sebastian, right now I hate you; I hate you so much,'' I growl at him and using all my strength push him out of the circle. 

''You've killed people. Innocent people!! That's why the cold blue eyes, isn't it? Admit it! Admit it goddamn it!!''

He chuckles at my outburst, ''You know, there is a fine line between love and hate, sooner or later; you will cross it,'' and he walks back in. 

''and yes, I did kill them and I enjoyed it too. What are you gonna do about that huh? it's not like their coming back.''

''I sent the rogues to attack you guys and when you managed to capture one of them,I sneaked into the cells and killed him, I followed you around the pack and saw you reveal yourself to your friends, I planned Nadia's kidnapping and used Caleb's anger towards you to my advantage, I also made sure that you were exposed in front of everyone and that's why I instructed some rogues to target your friend because I knew that you would not let them come to any harm.''

My eyes widen at this, ''You are monster Sebastian. You planned to get Rachel killed!''

''Actually no, that one is not on me. the poor nurse was just collateral damage,besides which battle doesn't have those right? I instructed the rogues to hurt her but they got over excited and smashed her skull, you can't put that on me,'' he shrugs.

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