Chapter 35

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''Anybody got a plan of attack?'' Aiden asks.

''I think the plan is that there is no plan,'' Ethan replies.

''Uhh guys, a little help here,'' Nadia groans.

Shoot! We completely forgot about her. I quickly rush to her and break the metal chains using all my strength. ''here, I got you,'' I say as she falls into my arms. ''What now guys?''

''Well there is five of us and.... well a lot of them so we do what we are best at; we fight!'' Theo announces.

''What about douche-bag of the year over here?'' Aiden asks. I look at the chains Nadia was tied up in and smirk.

''Axel help me over here,'' I call and he walks up to me. We chain Caleb to the wall and I step back admiring my handiwork.

''Nice one love. Nadia you need to stay back here and regain your strength. The rest of us; we fight to kill,'' Theo commands.

''You don't need to tell me more brother,'' Sebastian says and smirks as he gears up to take on the rogues.

''You guys go ahead; I will be by the entrance of the cave making sure no rogue gets past it,'' I tell them.

''You lot can kill all the rogues you want, but they will keep on coming. The witches have contacted rogues all over the world. You put down one and five more will come, it's a never ending cycle,'' Caleb yells and then laughs at us, ''Stupid fools.''

''You know Caleb, I like the sound you make when you shut up so why don't you do us a favor and keep it that way!'' Aiden growls at him.

We all walk towards the entrance of the cave and see a hoard of rogue wolves snarling, most of them in wolf form while the others chose to stay human. They must be over 50 rogues out here.

Damn these witches have connections.

One of the rogues lunges at us but bounces back as he hits an invisible barrier. ''Woahhh...guess even the witches don't trust them, '' Ethan speaks up.

''Seems like you're fighting love,'' Theo says from besides me.

''Give them hell?'' I ask as a smirk plays on his lips. ''You know it babe.''

We step out of the barrier and start attacking. These batches of rogues are wild as they scratch and maim without a thought. I was fighting off a female rogue when another one claws me and slashes my upper thigh.

''bitch!! That was my favorite pair of Mickey Mouse leggings!!'' I yell at her and Sebastian who is surprisingly fighting besides me gives me a look, ''that's what you're worried about!'' he yells back as he rips of the arm from a rogue he was fighting.

We continue fighting and I successfully decapitated the two female rogues. I see Theo fighting off three rogues at a time and rush to help him. I rip one off his back and snap his neck. He falls to the ground as Theo handles the other two.

''Thanks love, you okay there?'' he asks eyeing my slashed thigh. ''I'll survive,'' I reply and we get back to the fighting. A group of rogue wolves have surrounded us and Theo and I stand smack in the middle; our backs facing each other.

''On three love,'' Theo mind links, ''okay,'' I reply.

''3.....2.....1....'' and we lunge towards our attackers taking them down one by one but they just keep on coming, that stupid Caleb was right after all.

I see Aiden ripping rogues apart left to right, Ethan is in his wolf form; his grey wolf snapping bones after bones. Axel is in wolf form too, his dark brown wolf biting off heads and ripping off rogues.

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