Chapter 25

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As we drive back to our pack, Theo has my right hand in his as he offered to drive. I look down at our entwined fingers and a smile automatically forms on my face. He lifts my hand up and kisses it. ''I love you,'' he whispers and I blush. ''I love you too, but I want to reach home alive, so eyes on the road,'' I reply while playfully glaring at him. He chuckles and looks straight ahead.

We get closer and I see one of the guards waiting for us. ''Alpha, Luna,'' he says and bows in respect as he takes the keys from Theo and proceeds to take the car away. ''Where is the car kept? Do you have a garage or a barn somewhere?'' I question. ''I think you mean cars love and yes there is an underground garage which also has one of the ways in to and out of the bunkers,'' he replies and I nod in understanding.

''Well don't you two look like runway models,'' Says a voice I missed listening to the whole day. ''Charles!!''I scream as I run to him and he lifts me up in a hug. ''Missed you too cookie,'' He chuckles as he puts me down, ''It's been dull here without you,'' he continues and Theo rolls his eyes.

''She'd been gone for less than 24 hrs Charles, '' he comments. ''Aww looks like someone's jealous, don't worry bro you get one of Charles' special hugs too,'' He jokes and proceeds to give a bone crushing hug to Theo and I couldn't help but laugh. ''Okay that's enough,'' He says uncomfortably and pushes him away.

''So how was the date? I need details you guys!'' he practically yells, ''So am I excepting to see you both sporting identical marks on your neck anytime soon, '' he asks without shame and I look at him wide eyed. ''Charles!'' I slap his back and flush as Theo smirks. ''Goddess! you really need to find your mate,'' I say with a roll of my eyes.

Theo and I are now lying in bed facing each other as he pushes a lock of my hair behind. ''You're really beautiful,'' he compliments and I wanted to chuckle but ended up snorting instead. ''...and cute when you do that,'' he adds as he pulls me closer to him and we fall asleep.

''Ready love?'' he asks as he calls his wolf forward and transforms. I admire him when he comes to my legs and nudges me to do the same. I decide to have some fun today and look at his black wolf to give him a wink and start running in human form. He gives me a confused look at first but follows me. We are running neck to neck at first but he suddenly darts past me as he is faster in his wolf form.

I decide to lag behind and transform. Once I'm done I follow him silently as I see him come to a stop at a clearing. He makes quick turns trying to look for me. I slowly sneak up to him and decide to jump from behind to scare him when his ears perk up and he turns. He sees me and we both end up rolling on the ground until we come to stop near a stream.

''You can't sneak up on me love,'' I hear his voice in my head and roll my eyes.

''One day Theo. One day I will,'' I challenge back as he gets off of me to go drink water.

We are now back at our place and sitting down for breakfast when Charles barges in, ''Sebastian is back!'' he announces and takes a sit at the counter.

''Where was he in the first place?'' I question.

''Actually love he had told me he would be leaving for a few days for some business,'' Theo replies and I stare at Charles incredulously.

''So he was gone and now he's back, what's the big deal?'' I ask and Charles scoffs. ''Because he seems confident and cockier than usual.''

It's like he has won a lottery or something,'' he muses and it's my turn to scoff. '' So a guy goes out for a few days, returns back happy and you have a problem with that? Maybe he finally got some that's why he is happy,'' I respond back and Theo chokes on his coffee.

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