Chapter 6

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''I don't like the color of these drapes, they make the room too gloomy,'' Mom orders the decorators around as they pull them down for the third time in a row.

I called in my mom to help me with this as she has more experience, as I will be meeting the caterers soon so that we can decide on the menu. As I leave the pack house dining hall, my phone rings.

''Hello is this Ms. Athena Robinson?'' the person asks.

''Yes this is she, may I know who's calling?'' 

''Ms. Robinson, my name is Ella and I'm calling you from 'off the menu catering services' we were wondering when you will be coming by for the meal tasting?''

''I will be there in two hours time. I hope that's fine?''

''Yes ma'am that is okay, we shall see you then, thank you and have a good day,'' she says and cuts the call.

I look back at the dining hall and see mom on the verge of breaking bones. She seems livid with anger because of the color options. I walk back and decide to do some damage control. ''Hey, so I should be leaving now if I need to make it to the caterers in time,'' I announce as I veer my mom away from the decorators, who are visibly shaking with fear.

''Yes, that's fine. Just go, seems like I'll be here the whole day. I mean they can't even get a color co-ordination right!'' she glares at the decorator. "They should know this, shouldn't they? It's their job for crying out loud!"

''They're doing their best mom, in fact, I think I found the perfect colors.'' I tell her as I walk towards the drapes and pull out two rolls of fabric from underneath the thousands of them, okay maybe hundred, who am I kidding, they were less than ten rolls.

''What do you think?'' I hold them up for everyone to see.

''Oh perfect!'' mom squeals and hugs me. From the corner of my eye I see the decorators breathe sighs of relief.

''Okay so now that this is sorted out, allow me to take your leave. I trust you can take it up from here mom?'' I pose. 

''Yes, darling you can run along now,'' she pats my back, ''so glad you're here.''

I leave the hall and dial a number on my phone that my father had given me earlier. The person picks up after two rings. 


''Hello, hi, is this Beta Charles from the Crescent pack?'' I ask.

''Yes this is he. May know who's calling?'' 

''Hi, uhhh, my name is Athena Robinson. I'm calling from the Crimson pack, I'm Alpha Christopher's daughter and I would like to go to the city. I would appreciate if I can get an approval to pass through your land, I will be returning back late in the afternoon.'' I politely ask.

''Yes, yes, yes that's not a problem at all, I will alert the guards at the border to allow you in. I'm guessing this is in regards to your brothers' ceremony?'' he asks casually.

''Thank you, that will be really great, and yes it's regarding the ceremony, too much to do and accomplish,'' I say with a nervous laugh.

''Been there, done that,'' He jokes. ''Anyway I will not waste much of your time. I have already alerted the guards, nevertheless I will be there at the border to accompany you across.'' He says.

''I'd really appreciate that, thank you,'' I reply and cut the call, then start walking towards our borderline in haste.

''Whoa, whoa, whoa, watch where you're going Ena you'll knock yourself out,'' Ethan states as I almost bump into him. 

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