Chapter 5

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''You went for a run!!'' dad bellows as soon as we walked into his office. ''What were you thinking Athena, you could have been seen!!'' he continues. ''Do you not remember our talk yesterday, you promised me,'' He whispers the last part and sits on the couch with his head in his hands.

''Dad, dad look at me,'' I say as I crouch low and take his hands in mine. "No one saw me, I went as early as 05: 00 a.m. and that's what I will be doing from now on. I understand the risks dad. No one will know, I promise,'' I assure him.

Mom then walks in with a cup of coffee, which I'm sure had a few drops of whiskey in it, since I caught a distinct  smell of it and hands it to dad. He takes it with a small smile and looks at me. ''I'll take you up on that promise Athena, I trust you to be responsible enough to not let this get out. I cannot afford to go on a war with the council, there is too much at stake. Swear to me you will be vigilant."

"Cross my heart and hope to die, dad.'' 

Ethan returns home around noon to tell us that the issue at the border has been sorted. Turns out a lone rogue wolf had somehow managed to cross pack borders, but the warriors from Shadow pack captured him and have now taken him in for questioning.

I chose to retire to my room and decided to work on some new designs. As I lay on my bed I think about my 'date' tomorrow with Axel, should I even call it a date, he just said hanging out.

But what if it is a date! What will I even wear! I start hyperventilating, okay I need to calm down, we're just hanging out, it's just casual I tell myself. Why am I even behaving this way gosh, it's just Axel, I have known him since I was a kid. 

I let my thoughts carry me to the most absurd situations and before I knew it I'd drifted off to sleep.

I'm woken up by a loud knock on my door. I roll my eyes knowing that there is only one person in this whole wide world who can go to extreme lengths just to annoy me. ''What do you want Ethan?" I mumble in a groggy voice.

''Dinner's ready, it would be our greatest honor if her royal highness would grace us with her presence.'' He says, his words laced with sarcasm. 

''Hahaha very funny,'' I retort humorlessly. 'I'll be down in a few.'' 

Dinner already? How long did I sleep?

We were all quietly having our dinner, but of course Mr. Soon-to-be-alpha had to ruin it. ''So Ena, he starts, ''now that you're back permanently, what will you be doing to spend your time here?''

''I...... Uhhh,'' I start, but he cuts me off.

''I know, why don't you join Axel and I in our daily routines, in that way our work load will lessen and you'll utilize your time too, what say?''

''No! I don't think so.'' I say a bit too quickly making mom and dad look at me skeptically. ''I mean, I have an idea that has been in my mind from morning ,I'd actually like to run it by dad first and if he approves I can get it up and running.'' I say calmly, phew that was close.

''I'm all ears Athena, go ahead.''

''Okay, so here goes, this morning at breakfast I noticed that our female population almost rivals the males, so I'm thinking that what if we start an exercise where we train our females how to fight and defend themselves, it can be useful specially in times of danger. I mean most of the females around here have nothing to do, no wonder we have too many pups running around the pack!''

I look around the table and notice three pairs of eyes looking at me as if all that I've just said is gibberish.

After a long silence Mom is the first one to speak. ''Honey, that's a bold step to take you know, but I do agree with you, women need to step up too. We cannot always rely on our males for everything." My eyes widen with excitement over her revelation. ''I think you should really consider this Chris,'' she says while looking at dad.

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