Chapter 10

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As I bid my goodbyes to everyone, I notice a tear drop from Dad's eyes. He looks at me and says, "I'll miss you Princess, be good, you are soon going to be shouldered with a huge responsibility as Luna of Crescent Pack; Make me proud,'' He states.

I hug mom and she holds onto me tight and sobs, ''We just got  you back and now you're leaving us.''

I manage to form a small smile, ''I'm just across the border mom,'' I tell as I push back my tears.

I hug Ethan last.A small sob escapes my lips as tears start to flow down my cheeks.

''Heyyy, don't cry Ena you're strong, you'll do good,'' He encourages me.

As I walk down the steps, I turn to look at my family one last time. ''I love you,'' Ethan says.

''I love you too,'' I reply as I sniff.

I walk towards Theo and he gives me an encouraging smile. We start walking towards the border,an awkward silence sits in as none of us know what to say. Charles attempts to make small talk but fails as neither of us respond to him.

''Ahem...uhh so....Athena,'' Theo says in an attempt to start a conversation, ''I heard Victoria mention something about a clothing line? Is that what you did in Toronto?'' he asks politely.

I look at him,my mother's advice ringing in my head. ''Uhh yes, I have my own brand of clothes," i reply giving him a small smile.

''wow, that's amazing!" He exclaims out of the corner of my eyes I see Charles nodding in agreement.

''So when did you start?'' he questions. ''I launched the first line 2 yrs ago,'' I reply flatly. Suddenly feeling uncomfortable with all the questions.

''That's great, so are you planning to launch another line anytime soon?'' He quizzes, I shoot him a look of surprise as I start to feel overwhelmed and visibly gulp.

''I... I'm sorry if it's too much, I just really want to know more about you.'' He admits, a bit flustered and then starts walking further ahead leaving me to trail behind him.

I decide to continue walking on my own, but immediately start missing his presence next to me. I'm conflicted on whether to continue walking in silence or give in and answer his question, which I'm sure will lead to more questions.

As I continue to muse over my options, I don't realize that the duo has stopped walking making I almost collide with Theo. Almost.

I look up to see that we are at the edge of our borderline and a few men, whom I'm assuming are guards are standing there. As they part, I see a face that I thought I wouldn't see for a very long time.Especially after what i did to him earlier.

''Axel?'' I breathe out his name and see Theo stiffen from the corner of my eye. ''Athena,'' he says indifferently, eyeing Theo warily.

''I see you're leaving. As beta of this pack it is my duty to see off any member who goes out," He speaks monotonously.

''Axel, can I speak with you privately?'' I implore.
''I have nothing to say to you Athena; you and your friends are free to cross,'' he replies.

''But I do!'' I shout and he looks at me with wide eyes, ''so you have no other option but to listen!'' I command as my wolf threatens to come out and I see him shudder slightly.

Theo and Charles exchange confused looks. Damn it!  I really need to get my wolf under control, I can't let her come out like this. I take a deep breath to calm myself down.

''Axel, look I'm sorry, I really am. You are my friend and I should not have used you like that, if I'm crossing this border today it's under the promise that you will find it in your heart to forgive me,'' I say.

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