Chapter 9

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"Is everything okay Ethan? Why are we all gathered here?" Mom asks as she looks back and forth from Ethan to me.

Is everything okay at the pack borders?" questions dad clearly confused since Theo and Charles are also present.

"Everything is fine; pack borders are secured too. It's just that Athena has something to tell you both."

All eyes in the room turn to look at me and this was the first time that I've ever felt nervous. I'm usually  confident when  entertaining a crowd but today the anxious faces of just five people in a room was leading me to having a nervous breakdown.
"Do i really have to tell everyone?" I mind link Ethan.
"Yes! And you're not getting out of it!"

"Honey are you okay?" Mom asks.

I swallow nervously and nod my head. "Is it regarding your clothing line? Are you starting a third campaign? Mom asks eagerly. "Although that doesn't explain the presence of Theo and his beta," she mumbles aimlessly.

"Victoria, honey calm down let her talk," Dad says. "Go on princess,tell us" Dad urges me.

"I...uhhh...I ahemmm," I clear my throat. "I've found my mate." I finally manage to say.

After what felt like an eternity I hear a sharp intake of breath from mom whose eyes are now shining with bright tears. "Oh thank you moon goddess, she heard my prayers." Mom says and she closes her eyes to send a short prayer to the goddess again.

"Who is he honey? And where is he?" Mom questions completely oblivious to the other two people in the room. I look at dad who hasn't said a single word since the revelation. As soon as I lock eyes with him he crosses over the room and engulfs me in a hug as a lone tear falls from his eye. "I want to meet him," he manages to say as his voice cracks.

"Uhhhh dad,mom....." I start and gesture towards Theo who suddenly seems to be lacking confidence and looks, dare I say, nervous?

He steps forward and extends his hand forward to dad and  Mom, "Mr and Mrs Robinson," he politely greets them.

Mom looks like she wants to scream at the top of her lungs and dad couldn't be more happier.

"This is indeed very good news. I am so happy for the both of you." Dad says proudly.

Now Athena why don't you go to your room and start packing while I have a little chat with Theo here." Dad says as he eyes us both.

"Uhh about that dad, mom I don't think I want to go." I announce. They both look at me like I've grown an extra head.

From the corner of my eye I see Theo and Charles sharing a look, guess they expected this.

"What do you mean you don't want to go?" Dad asks sternly. "You have to go,it is required for a female to go live with her mate as soon as they find each other,it has been like this for over a 1000 yrs Athena."

"Why? Why do I have to go dad? Just because of some stupid tradition. Because that's what is required of female wolves? That once they find their mate they have to blindly follow them, mate with them produce their kids and that's it. Why don't females get a say on this matter? Why does nobody ask us what we want to do, where we want to go. I will not agree to this! I will not blindly follow someone that I've just met hours ago and start building a life with him, no offence to you Theo,"I almost yell, the anger building up in me by the minute.

''None taken, love,'' he says with amusement in his eyes at my sudden outburst.

"Athena that's enough! you should not disrespect our traditions in that way, this is how it has been for a very long time honey and it's our way of living," Mom comments.

"Then it's about time someone steps up and changes things around here.Traditions can be changed if not completely removed, right?" I declare.I notice Theo looking at me with pride and something else that I can't put a finger on.

"Mom,why don't you take Athena for a walk while we sit here and talk to Theo," Ethan suggests. Mom nods ushering me through the door, Ethan follows us outside and speaks up before I could utter a word. Ena, I understand where you're coming from but try to see this from our point of view too, listen," He gives one final nod to mom and walks back in the house.

"Mom...." I start but she cuts me off by raising her hand mid air," You know I had the same spunk as you back in the day. I had my own set of principles that I used to follow. The day I met your dad I wanted a few days with my family too before I moved with him but my mother gave me a piece of advice that day and I'm glad I followed it. Today I'm going to share it with you.

Do you know the consequences of not being with or around your mate especially after you've met them? She questions. I shake my head saying no.
"As soon as you meet your mate, your mate bond gets activated you start sensing each other's presence even before they walk in the room, that intoxicating scent that you smell is unique to the two of you only, it is meant for both of you to recognize each other especially when you're in a situation where you can't see or talk. As the relationship grows; so does the bond," She advises as we continue walking further and futher away from the house.

"Anyway  back to  my story, a  month after I moved with your dad here he had to attend a 5 day convention in New York city. I was devastated and wanted to go with him but I couldn't. As soon as he left, a sense of darkness filled the bond, I felt alone and weak.

Every nerve in my body told me to hop on a plane to New York city but I persevered.However after 2 days the longing got out of hand and I couldn't take it anymore. So with the help of your grandparents I hopped onto a plane and flew to New York city to your dad. Turns out he was just as miserable," She chuckled as she reminisced about her early days.

"So you're saying I should go with Theo?" I question her. "Yes ,that's exactly what I'm saying cause trust me when  I tell you this, you may be strong and in your case you may be the alpha female but when it comes to the mate bond no one and i mean no one is strong enough to resist," she advises.

Mom, what about my status what if he feels threatened by my wolf? "I ask her worriedly.

"I have a feeling he will accept both you and her because from what I saw at home,that man will go to the ends of the world to  make sure you're safe and from what I've heard about him,he kills anything or anyone that comes in his path when in war,you will be safe. Even the council fears him,"She lets out a laugh.

"You know what you have to do Athena," mom says,she caresses my cheek as we come to a stop on the patio.

I hadn't even realized we had come back.

The door opens to reveal Ethan ,standing there smiling from ear to ear. I walk in and see a beer in each of their hands and raise my eyebrows in surprise.

"We bonded over beers!" Dad says happily.
"I can see that," I say, pursing my lips in disdain.

"So umm..I'm going upstairs to pack," I announce and I see Theo's eyes light up at my revelation.
"Mom, come help me please, "I request.

"Of course darling," she smiles and follows me up to my room.I immediately get out of my gown and change into something comfortable.

As I'm packing I notice mom staring at me. "What, is something wrong?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"You're making the right decision, just give the man a chance, he seems like a nice guy Athena. I'm not asking you to jump in bed with him, no. I know you're a strong woman who can handle her own but now you have a mate, let him in slowly, learn to trust him; build a relationship with him like a normal human would do. You do not have to rush into anything," She says in a calm motherly voice.

We finished packing my essentials and I walk down the stairs with my bags in my hand.

Theo immediately rushes forward to take them from me. I give them to him without any fuss and my mom nods approvingly from beside me.

"Baby steps," she whispers in my ear low enough for only me to hear and kisses my cheek.

I take a deep breath and announce," I'm ready to go."
So she agreed to go with him.
What are your thoughts on Theo??
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