Chapter 43

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I wanted to stay at the foot of the mountains for long but Mila mind linked me to come back as soon as possible since it's pack breakfast day. 

Of all the days it had to be today, just my luck.

I ran back to our spot, took my clothes from the hollow in the tree and continued my way towards the house. As I ran, I saw a lot of pack members gasping since this is probably the first time some of them have seen me in my wolf form.

As soon as I get home, I trot to the back door, drop my clothes and transform back. Once I'm done putting them on I walk indoors and find Theo sitted on the couch going through his phone.

''Get dressed, we are leaving in 15 minutes.''

He doesn't even look up from his phone and for a second I wanted to go up to him and apologize but my pride gets in the way and I rush up the stairs to shower.

''I'm ready let's go,'' I announce and he gets up without even sparing me a glance, walking towards the front door.

''Okay then, so he is super mad,'' I say to myself and follow him out.

We walk in an uncomfortable silence towards the pack house, I can't even sense what he is feeling; he bloody blocked me out. I try to induce the mate bond a few times but it likes I'm hitting an invisible wall.

I scoff and am about to say something when someone joins us. ''A beautiful day isn't it?'' he says in his smooth voice. Of all the people in this pack it had to be him, I roll my eyes at his comment and Theo looks up.

''Oh hey Sebastian, glad you could join us; good to see you aren't out there attacking other betas,'' he comments sarcastically.

''Now brother, do you really think that I would miss the opportunity to be the object of attention of all the females in this pack? I love pack breakfast. The betas can wait,'' he replies jokingly.

I eye the interaction between the two brothers and scoff.

''Careful brother, some people might actually believe what you say, '' Theo says in a taunting manner.

''Seriously Theo!!'' I yell, ''you're unbelievable,'' I hiss at him and walk past him in anger.

I spy the pack house in a distance and increase my pace. I need to get away from Theo for a moment but that's short-lived when his annoying cousin jogs up to me.

''if I'm not wrong, which by the way I'm never; I noticed some tension between the two of you. What happened, honeymoon phase over already?'' Sebastian interrogates me and I glare at him.

''don't want to talk about it, go find someone else to disturb or better yet why don't you run along and be the object of attention of the females?'' I snide.

''Ohhh darling, you got that didn't you. You know I don't need to find them per say; they, actually find me, '' he says and flashes a smile at a group of girls standing. They immediately start giggling and waving making me scrunch up my face in disgust.

''Well why don't you go entertain your girls and leave me alone, '' I reply and make an attempt to enter the hall.

''Uh uhh uhhh...wait a second,'' he grabs my arm and pulls me to him, ''and leave you in that foul mood, of course not darling; out of all these women here you, Athena, are my favorite,'' he pokes my nose whilst saying it and a smile automatically appears on my face.

''Ahh there it is.....that smile; don't hide it with a frown okay?'' and I nod. ''Come on let me walk you to your chair alpha,'' he says and pulls out his hand for me to take.

Once I'm sitted at the high table, I look around at all the people in the hall and my gaze lands on Cathy and Hazel who wave at me and I return a small wave.

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