Chapter 34

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Theo and I are having our breakfast next morning when we hear a knock on the door. I look at him, confusion all over my face. ''It's too early for him to come isn't it?''

I get up and walk to the door and I recognize the scent from the other side.

''Ethan? And uhhh Axel, what brings you here so early in the morning?'' I ask as I open the door for them to come in.

''Morning to you too Ena,'' Ethan answers and Axel gives me a small smile as they both walk in.

''Neat place bro,'' Ethan says as he marvels the house; Axel awkwardly shuffling behind him.

''What are you two doing here?'' I ask him but he ignores me and walks towards Theo. I look at Axel for an answer and he just shrugs.

''Oh hey Ethan, didn't expect you until later,'' Theo says as he emerges from the kitchen.

His eyes zero in on Axel and they both stare at each other intensely. The tension in the room so thick you could cut it with a knife.

'' called them here? Why?'' I ask Theo accusingly at the same time trying to divert his attention.

''Yes love I did. Ethan and the beta here want to help.''

''It's Axel,'' he comments gruffly.

''Come again,'' Theo says in a threatening voice and takes a step towards him. ''Theo no, stop it!'' I shout and come stand in front of him as he stops.

''I don't understand why you guys are here; we will handle this. You can go back,'' I tell them.

''No one is going anywhere Ena, we are here to help you in this. Theo might have agreed to let you go with that man but that doesn't mean I do.''

''You don't make my decisions for me Ethan. Sebastian is the only person who knows where this place is. Besides in some weird way we are friends.''

''You're friends with him Athena, seriously!'' Axel shouts and attempts to come close.

''Hey man, back off,'' Theo warns him and comes to stand by my side.

I try to hide my smile but fail miserably and catch Ethan's eye as he winks at me. Damn him; his having fun being an audience to this interaction.

''Look you guys, I know it's stupid for me to go with Sebastian and then come back for you all but I've been thinking and I have a feeling that I can convince Sebastian to agree to it, but the possessiveness and jealousy has to stay away,'' I say in a stern voice looking at both Theo and Axel respectively.

''Morning guys, waiting for the big bad wolf are we,'' Aiden jokes as he walks in and grabs a waffle from my plate.

''Hey that was....'' I complain, ''never mind, it's gone,'' and I watch him wolf down the waffle. Pun intended.

''I hope that we find Nadia today, mom's super worried. She hasn't slept properly in days,'' Aiden says in a worried voice.

''Well count yourself lucky little man, because help has arrived,'' a smug voice says from the doorway.

I never thought I would say this; but boy am I happy Sebastian's here.

I look at Theo who has his poker face on, but I can feel his emotions. He is worried for both me and Nadia. Scared too, clearly he doesn't trust Sebastian. I squeeze his hand in reassurance.

''Well aren't you going to welcome me in to your home brother,'' he says opening his arms wide, his black eyes shining with playfulness.

''Come in Sebastian, make yourself comfortable,'' Theo replies.

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