Chapter 22

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I lead Theo to the house and Charles follows us, ''You didn't have to do this Theo, I just wanted to spend time with you this evening.'' I say exasperated. ''Well it's done now Athena, so how about you go change, our guests are waiting and it's rude.'' Charles interjects before Theo can reply.

''Charles,'' Theo says in a warning tone. ''Fine fine I'm going, '' he says, ''I'll keep them entertained, maybe I'll wear a hat and pull a rabbit out of it,'' He snaps and I release a low growl ''Charles,'' I warn one last time. He sighs and leaves the house.

''Theo you...'' I start but he cuts me off, ''Before you continue, let me tell you that Charles is right, it is rude to keep our guests waiting besides what's done is done, the party has started already unless you want me to go out there and tell them all to leave.'' He says seriously and starts walking towards the door but I grab his hand and sigh defeatedly, 'Okay, I'll go change.'' I say and kiss him softly on the lips, ''Thank you'' I whisper.

''Always, Love,'' he replies and follows me to our room, ''you want to watch me change now?'' I question, ''if you'll let me'' he replies. ''Such a pervert you are,'' I remark and he chuckles ''only for you babe.''

I walk to the closet and see the most beautiful baby pink gown hanging there and my eyes widen as I marvel at it. ''Holy shit!'' I yell. ''You like it?'' Theo says as he walks in the closet. ''I love it,'' I squeal.

''I got Rachel and Cathy to help me out with the dress,'' He admits. I take it and walk to the bathroom to change, I feel like a princess as I put it on and do a little twirl. Then I put on some light make up and walk out.

''Woahh,'' Theo gasps, ''you look divine Athena, pink really is your color.'' I smile at him as I put on my shoes. ''Now, time for your first gift,'' He says and I look at him confused as he puts his hands in his pocket and retrieves a box, I freeze in place hoping against hope that it's not what I think it is and sigh in relief when he opens the box. Inside are the most gorgeous tear-drop shaped diamond earrings I have ever seen.

''Oh my god,'' I gasp as tears start filling up in my eyes ''Theo, these are beautiful,'' I manage to choke out

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''Oh my god,'' I gasp as tears start filling up in my eyes ''Theo, these are beautiful,'' I manage to choke out. 'Thank you.'' I say and hug him and he chuckles. ''I 'm glad you liked them love.''

''Now come, we need to get back to the party.'' He urges. I put on the earrings and we head downstairs. As soon as we walk out we are greeted by a lot of people, most of them wishing me Happy Birthday. I see that Charles has managed to keep people entertained as there is an open bar and music.

Rachel, Cathy and Hazel come running to me, I squeal as I catch sight of them and we all hug. ''You look so pretty Athena,'' Hazel comments. '' Thanks, it's all because of Rachel and Cathy.'' I say as I spy Olivia walking towards me.

I excuse myself and meet her halfway, ''Athena Robinson, look at you all glowing,'' She says as she hugs me, '' well look at you too, you look amazing.'' I compliment her back. She is wearing a strapless midnight blue gown that has glitter at the bottom. ''It's a lovely party, many happy returns of the day to you,'' she says as she picks up two wine glasses from a passing waiter. ''Cheers.''

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