Chapter 13

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I woke up at 05:00 am out of habit. I was itching to go on a run but, I don't know the routes here and I can't risk getting caught so I decide to work on my designs only to realize I don't have a working space up here.

The closest space to a table in this house is the kitchen counter and so half an hour later I'm down in the kitchen in my pajama shorts and a loose pink spaghetti strap top as I munch on an apple from the fruit bowl.

I make a mental note to ask Theo if I can get some furniture in my room so as to work in privacy. I mean if i'm going to be staying here, mights as well get comfortable.

I look at my easel and sigh contentedly, I managed to paint some designs that I found intriguing, I take a step back to look at my work when I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn abruptly and come face to face with my mate who is looking at me in amusement.

"Please, don't stop on my account," He urges when I look at him dumbfounded.

"I didn't hear you come down, "I say.

"I can be really quite when I want to," He replies cheekily making I roll my eyes at him.

We stand in silence facing each other not knowing what else to say as the events from last night flash back in my head.

I start packing my paints and other stuff when I notice his stare still on me. I look up and see him eyeing me from head to toe like a piece of meat, I notice his eye glaze and become a shade darker than normal.

It suddenly strikes to me that I am practically naked. I start feeling insecure as I quickly gathered my stuff and try to make a move but he blocks my way.

"Athena," he says in a husky voice which makes me feel weak in my knees.

He clears his throat then continues ,"You shouldn't be walking around the house dressed like this. I'm saying this for the sake of both us."

I find myself nodding in response not being able to break the eye contact. I'm clearly aware of the effect on him from seeing me like this.

The mate bond buzzes at our closeness and I make my way up the stairs before I end up doing something I'd regret.

I shower and head downstairs to see Theo already waiting for me by the stairs. He looks at my attire for the day and chuckles.

I'm wearing a bottle green long sleeved t-shirt and some whitewashed skinny jeans. I give him a condescending look before tearing my gaze away from his gorgeous eyes.

"Morning," I greet and he replies as he holds out his hand for me to take, I hesitate at first but then give in. The sparks start flowing through me the moment our skins meet. He leads me through the back door and I gasp in surprise at what's in front of me.

Overlooking the mountains and forest, there is a small picnic table and laid on it are various types of pastries, cheeses, fruits, bacon you name it. I turn to him and find him already looking at me , I give him a huge smile and am tempted to hug him but restrain  myself.

"I love this," I say excitedly as i walk towards the table to sit. He takes long strides and gets there before.

"Allow me," He says and pulls out the chair for me to sit. " Ohh, and they say chivalry is dead," I comment.

As we continue with our breakfast date I realize that I'm  starting to feel comfortable around him.

iIt's time i showed some interest in his life. I've been here a few days and he has done a lot for me already.

"So tell me about your company, what's it called and how do you showcase your clothes to the public?" He asks me.

"Oh well it's called Nightshade," I reply and he raises his eyebrows in mockery.

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