Chapter 21

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Currently Theo and I are seated at the kitchen counter having our breakfast. ''You ready to go love?'' he says. ''yeah, I think I am,'' I reply as I give him a smile. ''Charles will walk you to our border and I'm assuming the beta will escort you from there,'' He explains. ''That's cool, when will he be here?'' I ask. ''Anytime now love.''

I get my stuff ready and I'm putting on my shoes when Charles walks in. ''Happy Birthday Athena!!!'' He shouts as he walks towards me and pulls me into a hug lifting me off the ground. ''Thank you Charles'' I reply as I snort out a laugh. ''You know; Theo might find your little snort cute but to me you sound like a pig,'' He comments and I slap him on the back of his head. ''heyyyy, that hurt!'' He screams. ''Serves you right for calling me a pig, you doofus,'' I call back as Theo walks down to the foyer. ''If you two are done bickering, we can proceed to leave,'' He says with a serious look on his face.

''Well someone wants me gone,'' I comment with a look of hurt in my eyes as I gaze  at Theo's and his eyes soften. ''No love, it's not that, I'm just stressed out from the rogue issue that I have to deal with and I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to you,'' He says softly. ''I'll wait outside, '' Charles vocalizes and proceeds to leave.

''Have fun today love,'' Theo says as he pulls me in for a hug and I nod in response. ''I doubt if you'll miss me but it's still worth asking.'' He continues and I laugh ''nahh not really, 'He raises his eyebrows in surprise and says ,''oh is that so?''

''Mnhmmm'' I say casually and he chuckles. ''That's fine, I don't mind,'' He responds as he kisses my cheek and we walk out. ''Good luck with the rogue, I hope that we can get something out of him,'' I state and he nods in agreement as he entwines our hands together.

We walk down the steps and I notice Charles waiting for me patiently as Theo lets go of my hand and begins walking in the direction of the pack house. ''Theo,'' I call and he turns back to look at me, ''I'll miss you.'' I say and smile cheekily. ''I know love, I'll see you soon,'' He replies.

As I'm walking towards the borders my mind drifts off to my family. I contacted mom a few weeks ago, but I haven't spoken to Dad or Ethan ever since I left, I wonder how they'll react. I continue pondering over my thoughts when Charles snaps his finger at me. ''Hello, Athena... Athena.'' He says while snapping his fingers and I look at him, ''what!'' I snap and he smirks, ''you zoned out.''

''ohh sorry, I tend to do that a lot.'' I flush as we start nearing the border. ''Yeah, I noticed,'' he scoffs and I roll my eyes at him. ''Clearance for Athena Robinson to cross pack border,'' He announces and the guards nod in agreement. ''Bye, Athena. Have a great day, I'll see you in the evening,'' Charles says as he hugs me. ''See you soon,'' I say and hug him back.

As I cross the Crescent Pack borders and walk into the Crimson pack, I take in a deep breath and a smile automatically appears on my face. ''Good to have you back,'' A voice calls. ''Axel,'' I breathe out as I turn to him. ''Hey there,'' He replies and we stand staring at each other awkwardly not knowing what to do.

''So, ummm... everyone is waiting for you at home, we should get going.'' He shuffles awkwardly and I nod as we begin walking towards the house.

''So how is everything going on at Crescent pack, how does your mate treat you?'' he asks.

''t's all going good, Theo is amazing, he is so calm and understanding. He accepts me for who I am, lets me make my own decisions, he is a good mate'' I say as I gush about him.

''Of course he is, he's an alpha after all. Everything he does will be good to you, it's like the man can't do wrong,'' He says spitefully and I look at him shocked.

''What's the matter with you Axel, I thought we were over this!'' I yell at him. ''what's with the bad mouthing? You know he is my mate; you can't just say all these things about him when you don't even know him. He knows about my history with you but he respects that because it's all in the past,'' I say and then continue, ''and I thought we were past the jealously issue,'' I state.

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