Chapter 42

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''Come on love we have to go for the run and train too, it's past five,''

''Give me a minute I'm coming,'' I reply as I walk down the steps securing my hair into a tight ponytail, ''You know, I'm surprised Charles didn't report back last night; he usually does.''

''He must have thought we've slept. Anyway I'm glad he didn't stop by, we had quite a busy night didn't we?'' he smirks and places a kiss on my mark causing me to shudder in delight.

''okay then,'' I pull away from him, ''we have to go for our run remember?''

We both walk to the front door and are about to go out when we are pushed inside by a strong force. What the heck!

''Get in, get in, get in both of you now!!'' he shouts and pushes us in.

''Charles what's wrong with you? Are you out of your damn mind?'' Theo shouts at him as he stumbles backwards.

''You look like a deranged man Charles; what's up with you?'' I tell him. 

''Shhhhhhh.... shushh we need to go somewhere where no one can hear us; I have to tell you two something.''

Theo and I exchange confused looks, ''okay let's go to our study.''

''This better be good Charles especially if it's costing me a chance to beat up Theo's ass.''

''Ohhh you wish love; I totally beat you last time,'' Theo scoffs. ''Uh huh... of course you did,'' I smirk.

The three of us walk in to my old room which now serves as an office for both Theo and I. With everything going on I don't even know when or how Theo managed to find the time to fit in an extra table for him to work. When I asked him why he did that, he said something along the lines of, ''I like to watch you work love.''

''Whoooaaa, you converted Athena's old room to a study! Neat. Hey! can I also add in my desk; we can have another office here what say Theo?'' Charles beams excitedly.

''Charles!!'' you had something to tells us,'' I cock an eyebrow.

''Ohh ohhh yeah...sorry I got distracted but damn that furniture, '' he says and eyes Theo's desk.

''Charles!!!!'' Theo commands.

'' right sorry.... Okay so last night Axel and I went for the perimeter check......''and he tells us everything that happened last night.

''He is here, that vile piece of shit is here!!! I will hunt him down and kill him.'' The rage in me multiplies but is soon replaced with calming sensations as Theo induces the mate bond to calm me down.

''Do you always have to do that?''

''I'll do it every single time for the rest of our lives love.''

''Uhhh you guys are kind of stealing the spotlight from me,'' we hear Charles mutter.

'''Right, uhhh sorry continue man.''

''So you guys have not heard the best part yet. Yes, I almost took him out but he is bigger than me so I did the best I could and bit him on the left leg but guess who I caught limping back to his house just a few minutes ago?''

''Who?'' we both ask in unison.

Charles takes his sweet time to answer and mimics a drum roll, ''Wait for it...''

I cross my arms over my chest drumming my fingers impatiently as Theo stands by my side looking at Charles like he's lost his mind.

''The icy blue eyed wolf is none other than.... Sebastian!'' he announces.

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