Chapter 14

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As the clock strikes 05:00 I get out of bed and change into my navy blue mickey mouse leggings and a white t-shirt. I walk to the mirror and see dark circles under my eyes, I couldn't sleep a wink last night. Every time I closed my eyes, the icy blue ones haunted me.

I go down to the living room expecting Theo to be there; but he's not. I wait for about 10 mins when I hear him come down the stairs.

''Hey, morning.'' I say and he looks at me sleepily; clearly not used to waking up this early.

''Morning to you too.'' He replies groggily as he stifles a yawn.

''You don't have to do this you know; I can go on my own.'' I say as I notice that he is still sleepy. ''No, it's totally fine, let's go.'' He replies and walks towards the door.

As we walk out I take in a deep breath inhaling the scents of the earth and dew and immediately feel fresh. Theo copies my actions and I see a smile form on his face.

''Feel better?'' I ask and he looks at me ''very fresh, come on let's do this.'' He says and grabs my hand. We slowly jog to a secluded area that leads to the foot of the mountains.

''This is my favorite route to take when I go for my runs. The other pack members rarely use it, so it should be clear.'' He says and I nod in response.

Theo proceeds to remove his t-shirt and shoves it in the hollow in one of the trees and I couldn't help but stare at his bare torso, he has a well-defined chest with six pack abs. I couldn't help but gulp, I try to avert my gaze but I'm unable to. ''Like what you see?'' he questions as a smirk plays on his face.

''I've seen better,'' l lie to cover my obvious embarrassment from getting caught. ''Whatever you say love.'' He smiles cunningly knowing that I'm lying.

''So, shall we?'' he offers and I take in a deep breath to calm my nerves down and say, ''before you turn, there is something that I need to show you. Can I trust you Theo?'' I question him.

He looks at me in disbelief, ''of course you can Athena, why would you ask me something like that, I thought we were becoming friends,'' He says clearly offended.

''We are friends but what I'm about to show you is a secret I've been keeping for years, apart from my parents' no one else knows, not even Ethan.'' I whisper to him. ''Whatever decision you take after this I will respect it. Whether you choose to support me or let me go, I will honor it.'' I say with confidence.

''What is it love, just show me please, also I could never let you go Athena. I...'' he starts but stops abruptly''you're really important to me," He says. "We'll see,'' I reply and go behind a tree to change.

I carefully remove my clothes and put them on the ground as I call my wolf forward. I welcome the snapping of the bones as I feel myself transforming. Once I'm done, I walk out from behind the tree to stand in front of Theo who is now looking at me with wide eyes as a gasp of shock escapes his lips.

''Oh my god, Athena!'' he exclaims as he eyes my wolf who is the size of an alpha. ''You're are an alpha female, gosh! this is what you wanted to tell me?'' he asks and my wolf nods her head.

Oh love, this is spectacular.'' An occurrence like this hasn't happened in over 200 yrs. You are extraordinary.'' He gasps again as he walks forward to place his hand on my head. '' Alpha female or not; you are my mate Athena and I will always be on your side, I will kill anyone who comes in your way or threatens your existence and that is my promise to you love.'' He concludes and I feel tears brimming in my wolfs' eyes at his revelation.

"So, how about that run?'' he voices as my wolf turns to take in our surroundings. I hear the snapping of bones and soon feel a presence besides me as Theo's wolf walks up next to me. He nudges me with his snout and I nudge him back playfully. His wolf is huge and black with powerful red alpha eyes, indicating his status.

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