Chapter 4

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I was up by 05:00 a.m. and decided to go for a run. Now that I'm here I want to let my wolf out, she has been locked in for eight years.

As I change into my yoga pants and gym t-shirt, I look outside the window and realize it's still partially dark. That would be good for me, as the last batch of patrols would have already left, and the perimeter checks won't start until six.

I quickly head out of the house and follow the route that Ethan and I would take as kids when I used to go running with his wolf. Sometimes I would get tired and then he'd have to carry me on his back while we returned home. I smile as I reminisce those days when It all used to be fun and games for us.

As I walked the trail I, reached a huge tree with a hollow in it and decided to change there. I neatly folded my clothes and called my wolf forward, she seemed shocked at first as she had practically been locked up for years. As the transformation begun, I began to feel an immense pain as my bones snap in place. I really need to transform more so that I can get used to the pain, but I will have to do it discreetly and away from prying eyes.

I'm now fully transformed and start to feel the power surge through my veins, I push my thoughts and doubts backwards, giving my wolf partial control and rush forward.

Having changed just once before in my life, I never fully appreciated nature through the eyes of my wolf. Everything is amplified, the smell of the forest, the earth, the dew, scents from the flowers, even my hearing was amplified. I could hear the humming birds singing, the insects chirping. It was all so surreal.

From a distance I could hear noises, guess the pack members must have started waking up. ''Time to change back'' I thought, as I neared the tree where my clothes were nestled. I turned back to normal, which was just as painful as before might I add. I quickly got dressed behind the tree and turned to leave when I collided on something hard, or rather, someone.

''Oh, hey there, sorry I didn't see you'' He says.

''Axel, hey bright and early this morning I see, it's nice to see you,'' I reply chirpily.

"It's nice to hear your voice first thing in the morning,'' he responds.

''Ohh when did you get cheesy Cooper?" I elbow him playfully.

''Oh.... you know...just...uhhh,'' he starts rubbing the back of his neck, a thing I noticed he does when he's nervous.

''I'm just joking Axel, relax,'' I laugh.

''Oh cool,'' he breathes a sigh of relief and he smiles. I notice a dimple appear on his right cheek.

'he's cute I think to myself and tear away my gaze from him before he catches me staring. "So I'll see you at breakfast then?'' I ask as I start to walk toward the direction of my house.

''Uhhh yeah sure, see you then...'' He replies. I get a feeling that he is not done, so I purposely slow down.

''Hey Athena?'' he calls making me turn around almost too quickly.

"Yes?" I respond nonchalantly.

''Wanna like umm....I mean if you're not too busy that is.......we could hang out maybe, and I can uhhh, make you those ham and cheese sandwiches that you really like?''

''Oh my God, you remember!'' I exclaim. 

''I'll always remember,'' I hear him murmur.

''Sorry I didn't quite catch that'' I say. 

''Oh it was nothing, so what do you say, want to hang out?''

''Yeah sure, that'll be cool,'' I answer casually. 

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