Chapter 45

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''Theo!! Theo!!.... Theo, man can you hear me?''

The four of us are standing outside the cell with Theo frozen in place, his was gaze stuck on the forest, particularly the spot Sebastian disappeared to.

''What should we do Athena? We now know that it's him, '' Mila asked.

''Theo, Theo snap out of it!'' I shouted but he didn't respond.

''You need to make a decision Athena,'' Charles whispered. I nod and took a deep breath.

''We are not following him right now. Charles alert the betas, I'm speaking to the alpha's. We're calling a meeting right now! I don't care how late it is. Mila go to Aiden and bring out all the poison he has prepared including the wolfs-bane.''

''On it Athena, but what about him?'' Charles gestured to Theo who was still in shock. ''I'll deal with it, you guys go.''

They both go in different directions and I turn to Theo.

''Theo...hey, come on, you need to snap out of it babe. We have to fight back now, come on Theo please,'' I whisper but he still didn't respond, I tried a few more times but  still failed.

''Okay that's it!!'' I  swing my left hand, slapping him hard on the face. He fell to the ground clutching his cheek.

''Athena, what the hell!!''

''Ahhh finally! Do you know how long I've been trying to snap you out of it?''

''Where is he? Where is that son of a bitch??'' Theo shouts and starts walking towards the forest, but I grab his arm. ''He is long gone Theo.''

''And you guys were doing what?! We should have followed him and killed him then and there.''

''Theo, I can't believe I'm saying this but, you need to calm down babe. Just killing Sebastian won't end this, we have the witches and rogues to deal with too. For now, we have called a meeting with all the pack alpha's. After everything that happened tonight, one thing is for sure, A war is coming, with Sebastian leading the enemy side.''

''How was I so blind to this, how did I believe he changed? I'm such an idiot,'' He shook his head.

''You are not an idiot Theo, you are a strong powerful alpha and he is your cousin brother. You didn't do anything wrong, he did and now he will pay for it and we will do it together okay?''

''Okay love, and thank you for snapping me out of it.'' 

 I smile and kiss him softly on the lips, ''Always.''

''Hey you guys, good to see you're still not frozen in shock Theo,'' Charles starts, ''The meeting is in place but not here. We are meeting at Shadow pack since Ashton and Olivia are already there, something about Olivia's best friend coming back and all.''

''Okay, let's all head there now, '' Theo says and the four of us head towards Shadow. ''I've alerted Noah and Ray, they will man the borders.''

We are at Shadow packs dining hall, waiting for Ethan and Axel to arrive. Since they are furthest from Shadow it's understandable for them to come late.

''Why have you gathered us here so late in the night Athena?'' Benjamin asks in his gruff voice.

''We have something very important to tell you all, just waiting for Crimson pack to arrive,'' Theo answered him.

''This better be good Theo,'' Ashton spoke up from the corner he was huddled in.

''Ohh trust me Ashton, you'll love it.'' I look around the room and notice a girl standing next to Sean, she was definitely older than him and had ginger colored hair with bright green eyes. She notices me staring and smiles.

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