Chapter 33

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We get back to Crescent and rush to Theo's office immediately. I mind link Charles on the way and tell him to meet us there.

 He walks in about 10 minutes later, the excitement on his face visible.

''Tell me you guys found something at the crash site, '' he says in a hopeful voice. Theo hands him the note his eyes widen as he takes it all in.

''No way! That place?? Wow,'' He shouts putting his hand on his forehead. ''Charles are you okay?'' I look at him quizzically. ''Yeah I'm fine; just felt like adding some dramatics,'' he casually states and I roll my eyes at him.

''Okay so now that we know where he is keeping her; would anyone of you care to tell me why we're still here?'' he asks with a raised brow.

''Umm...yeah about that,'' I start, ''none of us know where that place''

''Theo seriously, you don't remember that place?'' He asks and Theo looks at him with a raised brow. ''Man, I was 5 years old. The only thing I knew was how to count to 10,'' Theo replies and I chortle a laugh.

''Hmmphh...I could count up to 20 when I was five, guess we now know who's the smarter one here,'' Aiden says adding fuel to the fire.

''Oh come on Aiden, you were only able to do that because I helped you,'' Theo states.

''Don't give yourself too much credit brother, you were able to do that only because I was smart enough to get it,'' Aiden counters and they start bickering.

Charles and I look back and forth between the brothers; it suddenly felt like Nadia manifested herself in to Theo. I've never seen him bicker with Aiden like this. ''Uhh guys....'' I start but they ignore me and continue with their childish argument.

''Excuse me!! In case you haven't noticed we have to find a missing person; who happens to be your sister!!'' Charles shouts and they both shut up.

''Great, now that we have your attention; how do we get to that place? Is there anyone in the pack who can guide us there?'' Charles asks and we all exchange looks.

''I know someone who can help us, someone who knows exactly where it is,'' Theo speaks up after a while.

''Well out with it already, you know I don't like suspense, '' Charles cries out.

''Sebastian,'' Theo replies then continues, ''He was the one who lead me to it 23 years ago; he was 7 at that time. The memory might not be clear but he's the best bet we have.''

''Well what are we waiting for, Christmas? let's call Sebastian,'' Aiden says in an excited tone.

''No one has seen Sebastian for the past three days; my guess is, he isn't here, '' I respond.

''Of course you would know; you are best friends with him,'' Charles retorts.

''Hey, just because I'm the only one who tolerates him doesn't mean we're best friends okay,'' I state with a roll of my eyes.

''Whatever rocks your boat Cookie,'' he replies with a laugh.

''Okay so, we have to wait for Sebastian to come back? Who knows what Caleb will do to Nadia by then!'' Aiden shouts and I can see the worry now setting in.

Theo, who had been quiet all this time speaks up, ''I'm calling him up right now,'' and walks out of the office.

He comes back after a while and we all look at him hopefully, ''He will be here tomorrow morning but.... he has a condition. He will only show the place to one person.''

''Let me guess....'' Charles says picking up a pen and twirling it in his hand as he points it at me.

''Athena,'' They both say in unison. 

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