Chapter 11

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I woke up in the morning in a very unfamiliar environment and freaked out for a second before it dawned on to me that i was at Crescent Pack, in Theo's house.

I had a quick recap of everything that happened yesterday and released a heavy sigh. What have I gotten myself into? I thought as I groaned and flopped back on my bed. After a few more minutes of procrastinating I decide to get up and get ready. I shower and head down to the kitchen where I see a tray of breakfast set on the counter with a handwritten note.

Good morning love,
Trust you slept well, I had to rush to the pack house for urgent matters.
Charles will come for you later.
Have a great day.

I put down the note and uncover the breakfast tray. My mouth waters as I see a full English breakfast laid out for me but it's something else that catches my eye, a single red rose that has been placed neatly on the side of the tray. A small smile forms on my lips. I take the rose and smell it as giggle escapes me and I immediately stop.

What the heck is wrong with me? Why am I behaving like a 15yr old school girl! I stop and compose myself then go back to my room to fetch my laptop and decide to work on some designs.

Two hours later I hear a knock on the door. I open it to reveal Charles who seems in a particularly good mood today. "Morning Athena, ready?"

"Just a second," I reply as I go to the kitchen and close my laptop. "Where exactly are we going Charles?" I ask.

"Theo asked me to show you around since I'm the only other person you know, he would have done it but he's tied up in meetings until noon,'' He clarifies.

"Fair enough. So where do we start?" I inquire, "well would you look at that, someone is very eager to get to know her future pack," Charles teases and I elbow him playfully.

"Well since you passed here last time I saw you look at the female warriors' train, so why don't we start there?" He suggests.

"Sounds good to me," I affirm and he leads the way.

As we make way to the training grounds I see a lot of people walking about doing their daily routine, most of them bow in respect to their beta some pass inquisitive looks towards me as clearly I'm a stranger on their land.

Soon we reach the training grounds which is a vast piece of land surrounded by trees.I see a lot of male and female warriors practicing, some of them are in their wolf form which makes me worry about my own. It's been two days since I have gone for a run and my wolf is now starting to get restless.

We approach the warriors and they all stop and pay their respects to Charles. "You all look in good form but of course that does not mean that you start slacking. Before you all get back to what you're doing I'd like you to meet Athena, she is our special guest and will be staying with us."

"You will all show her the same respect you would show your Alpha," He commands.

They all nod before going back to their practices. I turn my attention to a group of female warriors who are gathered in a circle, I walk closer to take a look and see two females getting ready to spar. I recognize one of them as the guard who I met when I crossed the border three months ago. Our eyes meet and she gives me a small nod in acknowledgement.

As the fight starts I watch their moves. The female guard seems well trained her moves are precise and to the mark, she knows her opponents' weak spot and she does not hesitate when delivering a punch. In a matter of minutes her opponent goes down; Indicating that she has won the fight.

I was closer to the fallen girl so I decide to help her up. "Thanks," she says in gratitude. "You seem like a good fighter, but you lack focus." I tell her and she looks at me quizzically.

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