Chapter 23

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Even though he was not part of our pack and we didn't know his name, Theo and I decided to bury the rogue on our land, under a tree, by the lake on the next day. As we walked back to the pack house my thoughts went over at how brutally he was killed, his throat was slashed open and his guts were spilling out when they found him that morning. I shiver a little as the image imprints in my head.

I see three figures standing by the pack house as we walk up to it. I leave Theo's side and go to them, ''Hey guys, you left the party without saying goodbye yesterday,'' I state. They all give me wary looks before Hazel speaks up, ''I'm sorry, I didn't realize we needed your permission to leave Luna Athena,'' she says with spite and I stare at them shocked.

''You guys.... I...'' I start to say but Cathy interrupts me, ''I don't know about you two but I've got a class to teach, ''she says and walks away as the other two follow her. I see Rachel making her way towards the pack hospital and Hazel goes to the training area. I'm left standing out there alone, looking like a fool.

I go up to Theo's office in the pack house and slam the door in irritation as I walk in. ''Well aren't you a ray of sunshine,'' exclaims Charles sarcastically from his desk and I shoot him a glare. ''I managed to piss off the only girl friends I've had in a long time.'' I say dejectedly as I plop on one of the couches.

''What did they say to you love?'' Theo asks as he looks up at me from the pile of papers on his desk. ''That's the thing you guys, they all just stared at me, Hazel spitefully jabbed me and they all walked away. I know they are mad at me for not telling them that I was your mate, but they should understand my position shouldn't they?'' I question as I look at them both.

''How do you expect them to understand if you don't explain it to them love? They aren't mind readers. You need to go to them and explain why you did what you did. I 'm sure they'll understand then,'' He advises. I hold his gaze for a few seconds and nod in understanding.

''So what are you guys doing?'' I ask as I walk over to Theo's chair and peer over his shoulder. ''Well love, these are papers for the pack medical supplies that need clearing, I will be going to the pack hospital later to speak to Devin about it,'' He replies as an idea pops up in my head. ''Tell you what, why don't I go to the hospital and re-confirm this with Devin, that way I can speak to Rachel too and try to reconcile,'' I conclude and see Theo smiling at me, ''thought you'd never ask love,'' and he hands me the list.

I'm about to walk out the door when Bruce rushes in panting, '' Alpha, Beta; we have a lead on the rogue murder! One of the guys thinks he saw something,'' He says quickly. Theo and Charles are immediately on their feet and out of the door, ''will talk during lunch love,'' Theo says hurriedly and I nod.

I make my way to the hospital and get lost a few times too since I haven't been there before. Turns out it's not too far away from the pack house. The hospital is a fairly big building and is located on a secluded part of the pack. As I walk inside I see some nurses going about their daily jobs. I try looking for Rachel but couldn't see her. Some nurses bow in respect as they recognize me as their Luna and I smile in return. I continue walking until I get to Devin's office. I knock twice and hear a muffled 'come in'

I walk in and see Rachel and Devin discussing something and they both look up. ''Hey,'' I say and give them a small wave. ''Hii Athena, what brings you here?'' Devin asks while flashing me a smile and I catch Rachel elbowing him. ''Ohh sorry; I mean Luna; how can we be of service to you,'' He corrects himself as he stands up and bows his head a little. ''You don't have to do all that, you don't even have to call me Luna,' I say with a wave of my hand.

Devin smiles and gestures for me to take a seat as Rachel attempts to leave his office. ''Rachel?'' I call out, ''I'm really sorry for everything and I want to make it up to all three of you, I want to explain everything to you guys. Please just give me a chance,'' I practically beg her.

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