Chapter 39

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We managed to get the last flight out and in four hours' time we were back in Vancouver.

 Thankfully Charles had arranged to send a car at the airport and we are now on our way to the pack.

''It's a good thing we changed love, we will go straight to Crimson to meet up with Ethan and Axel,'' Theo says.

We reach our pack borders and are met with Charles. ''When were they sighted?'' I ask him, worry laced in my voice. ''They appeared this evening, Crimson already have men positioned at their borders; Noah has increased security on our borders too. Ashton and Sean are there already; we are waiting for you guys.''

We put our bags on the front steps of our home and hastily make way to Crimson Pack.

''Did you do it Theo?'' I hear Charles ask in a low voice, ''Couldn't do it man, we had to rush back after your call,'' Theo replies and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. ''Do what Theo?''

''Ohh it was nothing love, Charles just wanted me to get him a souvenir from Toronto but I couldn't get one,'' he replies with a shrug of his shoulders.

''You wanted a souvenir, seriously?''

''Yeah so, I like them; what are you going to do Athena, sue me?''

''Okay, okay, calm down Charles; I was just curious.''

Soon we are at the borders and cross to Crimson. We pass by the pack house, the school and the meadow so as to get to the other side. Once we are there I'm met with the worried faces of Ethan, Axel, Dad, mom and Nadia.

''You guys made it, how was the trip?'' Mom asks and nudges Theo. ''It was okay, the meeting went well but that's about it, nothing else to say,'' Theo replies and I see mom's shoulders slump. What's up with her?

''So, any sign of movement from them?'' I ask, so as to rid us of the silence that had enveloped.

''No we've been here for almost 7 hours now, it's late in the night too so we highly doubt they will attack now,'' Ethan replies. ''But we cannot just sit back and relax, we must be vigilant; they might even attack at the break of dawn,'' Dad advises.

''We'll be staying here with you,'' I say and Theo nods in agreement. We continue scouting and also sent one tracker closer to their camp. ''It seems like all they are doing is resting, they don't seem bothered at all,'' he reports and then goes back to his position.

''Looks like they are waiting for an order,'' Ashton voices, ''Whoever is leading them seems to know how to keep us on edge.''

Mom and Nadia soon leave for the pack houses to bring coffee for everyone. I can see the sun rising over the horizon as daylight fills the sky. A yawn escapes me and I lay my head on Theo's shoulders.

''You can go take a nap love, we'll call you if anything interesting happens. I just spoke to Charles, everything is fine on our side.''

''It's okay Theo, I'm fine. Just a bit exhausted; nothing a cup of coffee can't fix.''

''I don't know what we're waiting for Ethan, why don't we just attack them. The more rogues we put down the better,'' Sean says ready to march forward and attack.

''Put your ass down boy, hasn't your father taught you nothing about going to war,'' Dad scolds him.

''We don't attack until they make a move, understood?'' and Sean nods his head respectfully.

The coffee arrives soon and we all drink it, instantly feeling relaxed. ''Feeling better already Athena?'' Axel shouts from his place as he rests against a boulder. ''You know it,'' I wink at him and he chuckles.

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