Chapter 30

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''You okay love?'' Theo asks, his voice filled with concern.

''I don't know really,'' I can't stop fidgeting; the council is coming here now, what are they going to do with me? Will they take me away? Will they kill me in front of my friends and family, in front of Theo?

''Athena calm down, we'll talk to them first okay? This is not your fault; you didn't ask for this. You're not a threat to anyone, '' Ethan says as he tries to calm me down but I can sense his nervousness too.

We are all standing by the borders facing the clearing, waiting for the council to arrive. Olivia, Mila, Hazel, Rachel and Cathy are by my side too. We are all on edge, I could sense Theo's nervousness and fear over the bond; fear of losing me, fear of the turnout of this unexpected confrontation we were about to have with the council.

''Where is Aiden, Nadia and your mom?'' I ask Theo worriedly as I look around and don't see them. 

''I arranged for them to leave, they will be passing through Benjamin's pack. A car is waiting to take them to a safe place, '' he explains hastily as we hear multiple cars coming to a stop at the high way. They're here.

Soon enough we see 5 men making their way to us, all dressed in formal suits and I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I honestly expected them to be in robes; but suits,hmm; not bad. An impressive smile makes its way on my face.

''These people are here to possibly kill you, and you're smiling? What, are you high Athena?'' Charles rebukes. 

''Nah, I was just imagining them in robes,'' I reply casually and Charles looks ahead and then chuckles, ''oh I see it, now.'' 

''Would you two stop it;this is no time to make jokes,'' Mila scolds and we straighten ourselves up.

The men come to a stop in front of us and Theo immediately grabs my hand. One of them follows Theo's actions and a fierce scowl appears on his face as he glares at us. I'm assuming that is Jonathan Jensen; Caleb's father.

''Jonathan,'' Theo says in a flat tone and gives him a subtle nod. ''Theo, it's been a while, ''he sneers.

''How can we be of service to you gentlemen?'' Theo asks in his calm, full of authority voice.

''We understand that you have found your mate and that she is an alpha female,'' another man says; he is tall and has blond hair and bright green eyes. He looks like the leader of the council men.

''Yes, that is true, Alexander and here she is. You can talk to her, ''Theo says and gestures towards me. I take a step forward and see Jonathan visibly gulp and take a step back. He's scared of me. Good; he should be and I smirk at him.

''Hello, I'm Athena Robinson,'' I introduce myself and extend my hand towards Alexander, his face doesn't hide the look of surprise.

''Well aren't you a brave one, little girl,'' he says with a laugh. Little girl! Who is this guy? I'm a little girl to him, seriously!

''Ahemm, with all due respect sir but I'm not a little girl, '' I say in a confident voice and he laughs loud again. 

''of course, you're not. I'm just surprised how you lived this long without us knowing, '' he chides, all the laughter from his eyes now gone as he looks at me inquisitively.

The other council members exchange knowing looks. ''Tell me, Athena is it? Where are your parents? I'd like to have a word with them,'' he orders. 

Theo makes an attempt to come stand by me but Alexander stops him, ''ah ah ah Theo, stay right where you are boy, I'm talking to your mate, we don't need you at the moment, so just...'' and he shoos Theo away with his hands. I turn and give him a re-assuring smile which he returns.

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