Chapter 40

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''Well this is disgusting and it stinks,'' Charles states.

''No shit Sherlock,'' Theo replies and I stifle a laugh.

''Well who is going to clean this up, I know I'm not doing it,'' He says and walks back to the living room. 

''Guess we will have to do it ourselves huh?'' I ask Theo and he nods.

''Let's get to it then shall we?''

We both walk towards the kitchen and fish out some cleaning supplies. ''I'll just pick this up and throw it into the trees and you can try to get the blood stains out,'' Theo says and proceeds to grab the elk by its antlers.

I put on the gloves and start scrubbing the floor to get the stains out when I sense movement behind me, ''Well don't you look comfortable down there darling?'' he says in his smooth voice.

''How did you get in Sebastian?''

''You know it's not wise to leave your front door open Athena, although I did knock before entering.''

''And that's supposed to earn you merit points?'' I ask with a raise of my brow and he chuckles.

''I'm here to help you Athena,'' he says and casually leans against the door frame. I've managed to get most of it out but there is still a brownish stain on the patio.

''That's not helping you know. If you really want to help, here, take this and go fill it water so that I can wash off the soap,'' I order and hand him a bucket. He takes it and goes to the bathroom to fill it up.

Once he's back he hands it to me and I dump the water over the patio to get the soap off then proceed to mop off the excess. 

''You know you look like Cinderella, all scrubbing and cleaning. You know of her don't you?'' he asks from his position at the door frame.

''You watch Disney movies?!'' I ask shocked that he even knows Cinderella.

''What, like it's a crime. Of course I watch them, See, all you need right now is the blue eyed prince,'' he states suggestively.

''In case you didn't notice, I already have my prince,'' I reply and motion towards Theo who appears from the forest. Sebastian remains silent as he eyes Theo who walks up to us.

''Oh heyy brother, what brings you here?''

''Nothing, just thought of passing by and helping Cinderella here clean up the mess, I should get going though; wouldn't want to come in your way,'' he says and makes a move.

''Hey Sebastian!!'' I call, ''just FYI, Prince Charming didn't have blue eyes; they were brown.''

''I know darling, though he would look good with blue eyes,'' he winks and leaves.

''Uhh...mind telling me what that was all about?'' Theo asks. ''Ohh.... nothing serious, just an inside Disney joke,'' I reply with a wave of my hand.

''You have inside jokes with Sebastian now?''

''Ohh come on Theo, he is my friend and we have jokes, but there is nothing to worry about okay,'' I reassure him.

The days progress to weeks and my anxiety levels have reached a high. I couldn't sleep properly knowing that the witches are out there planning to take us down.

We have upped our training sessions now. Instead of training for two hours per day, we now train for four hours. On top of that Theo and I train separately by the foot of the mountains when we go for our runs.

As usual, we go for the perimeter checks to keep an eye out for any rogue activity. The only positive outcome of this is that all the packs have gotten closer with each other than before. We occasionally visit Benjamin, Ashton and Ethan to discuss on matters pertaining to the upcoming fight.

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