Chapter 32

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''How could you let this happen Aiden?'' Theo questions as he massages his temple in frustration.

''I tried Theo, I tried to fight him. I could have subdued him too if it wasn't for that pink powder he threw at us,'' Aiden replies.

I'm sitted on the couch with Lila as I helped her clean up her wounds.

''Boys, I think the best thing right now would be to look for Nadia instead of arguing,'' Lila whispers and I nod in agreement.

''Thank you sweetheart, I think we should be heading home now,'' She says and tries to make a move.

''No. Stay here, both of you. We can't let you leave Lila; you're hurt besides we also need to look for Nadia and we have nowhere to start, '' I say as I pull her down on the couch.

''Actually love, we do have a place to start. Aiden, where were you when Caleb ambushed you?'' Theo asks and he scratches his stubble in thought.

I couldn't help myself but stare at him and unknowingly start biting my lip. Gosh how does he manage to look hot even when covered in dried blood and dirt? Theo catches my eye and a playful smile appears on his face as he feels what I'm feeling. I realize this and clear my throat breaking the eye contact. Stupid mate bond. I internally scold myself for having such thoughts in a dire situation like this.

''Ahem.... what lead?'' I question trying hard not to look at Theo.

''Well we were waiting for the driver at the highway but he didn't show up, so mom suggested we drive ourselves to the airport. We started driving towards the main road but before we could reach there Caleb jumped in front of the car and mom had to brake real hard. Nadia nearly flew out through the windshield but I caught her and pulled her back, '' Aiden starts and a gasp escapes me.

''He rammed the car from the left side and it over turned causing mom to hit her head, hence the bleeding; luckily I had opened the door from my side so I was able to pull her out with me. I walked over to Caleb ready to fight him. We went head to head and I managed to get in a few punches. Mom was struggling to get Nadia out from the backseat and Caleb saw this as an opportunity, he backhanded me before ripping off the car door from the other side and pulled Nadia out by the hair,'' he continues and I can see Theo shaking as anger builds up in him. 

I have never seen him this angry; he is always so calm, always the voice of reason. I guess the fact that his 20-year-old sister is out there and that too with a psycho like Caleb is making his blood boil. And it should.

''What happened then Aiden?'' I ask urging him to continue.

''I got up and fought back, mom came to help too but he removed the pink powder and threw it at us. I felt dizzy as I felt moms' hand on mine and we both fell to the ground. The last thing I heard was Nadia's scream as Caleb hauled her over his shoulders and they disappeared into the forest.'' 

We are all silent as we take in the information. Lila's sob being the only sound in the room.

''My Nadia.... I want my daughter back,'' She cries and I rub her back trying to calm her down. 

''We will find her I promise,'' I assure her.

After much persuasion we managed to get Lila to sleep in one of the guest rooms while Theo and I head up to our room. I immediately go the bathroom and turn on the shower. I stand underneath it fully clothed; the events of the day playing in my head when I feel arms around me and relax from his touch.

Theo proceeds to unbutton my shirt and I don't stop him. He then releases my hair from its pony tail. I look down and see the dirt and blood go down the drain.

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