Chapter 37

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It has been roughly three weeks since Caleb's death. Three weeks and no sign of the witches or the rogues. We have been alert in every way. Theo, Charles, Mila and I also go for perimeter checks from time to time but there is no sign of them.

I almost got into a fight with Charles last week since I thought that the witches were just bluffing to keep us on edge but Charles says and I quote, ''This is just the calm before the storm Athena; something big is coming.''

Sebastian is back from his supposed 'break' and I'm currently sitted with him by the lake listening to his tales. How I got roped into this is beyond me.

Sebastian and I have become some sort of close friends since the fight by the caves. And this displeases Charles more than anything else.

''I'm still not over how you zoned out on the field Athena,'' he chuckles and I roll my eyes at him playfully. ''It's not funny okay!''

''Oh come on it is. Though I want to know what you were thinking when you zoned out; clearly it was not about Theo because he was right behind you fighting.''

I look away in embarrassment. How do I tell him I was watching him fight; as if that won't inflate his already huge ego.

''I was uhhh...I was thinking about my business. I lost my manufacturer; so I currently have no one to print my designs,'' I sigh heavily.

I hope he doesn't catch my lie although part of it is true. With everything going on I haven't had the time to digest that I just put my business on the line.

''I can actually help there, I have contacts in the city,'' he suggests but I shake my head, ''No no... you don't have worry about that seriously; it's totally fine.''

''Please Athena, I insist,'' he presses. ''You don't have to get involved in this, its fine really,'' I say when I feel the link buzzing.

''Love where are you? Ashton and Olivia are here,'' Theo's voice fills my head.

''I'm by the lake; be there in 10 minutes,'' I reply and cut off the link.

''I've got to go,'' I say and stand up; dusting myself in the process but Sebastian grabs my hand.

''Consider my offer Athena, I really want to do this for you.''

I look at him,confusion etched over my face at his statement but shake it off immediately, ''I'll think about it,'' I reply and jog towards my house.

''Ah there she is!'' Olivia screams excitedly as soon as I walk in the house, ''are you done packing?''

'' I have to come?'' I groan in frustration. ''Of course you do. Like I told you before; I'm no longer sitting through that meeting being the only decent woman present, now get your ass up there and start packing,'' Olivia scolds me.

I drag myself up the stairs with her behind me. ''Pack some extra clothes love; we'll be staying a few more days in Toronto,'' Theo says from the couch as he hands a beer bottle to Ashton.

''Okay so, do you have business suits?'' Olivia asks me and I look at her incredulously, ''I'm going to pretend you didn't just ask me that!''

''Hey I'm just trying to help. When I went for the first time I didn't have any and Ashton had to spend huge bucks to buy them,'' She says in a soft voice, ''I felt really bad seeing him spend so much on me even though he kept on saying it's fine and what's mine is his and all that.''

''and that's why it's good to be independent my friend; One thing I'm glad about is that Theo doesn't spend lavishly on me. I can afford my expenses so I don't have to rely on him. Although I wouldn't mind occasional gifts,'' I smirk and she nods in agreement.

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