Chapter 38

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''Athena!!! It's so great to see you, I wish you'd called; we would have prepared for your arrival,'' Nancy practically yells when I walk in to the office the next morning.

''Surprise, I guess,'' I reply with the same level of enthusiasm, ''any good news for me?''

''Unfortunately no, we got this one manufacturer but his fees are double than what Scott used to charge us; I am on my way to a meeting with the board to see if they agree for us to partner with him,'' Nancy replies apprehensively.

''Well it's good that I'm here, why don't you quickly catch me up with everything as we make our way to the board room? Any news from Scott?'' I ask and she shakes her head. Damn it.

The board is clearly shocked to see me and after exchanging pleasantries we sit down for the meeting. After discussing about our current situation we come to a conclusion to partner with the other company; at least until we get a better offer from elsewhere. I had emailed the designs I created with Nadia to Nancy so she will liaise with the new company directly.

By noon I was done and decided to go back to the hotel. 

''You're back,'' Theo calls as I walk in. He is lounging on the bed but I can sense his nervousness. ''Theo are you okay, you seem nervous?''

''I'm fine love, totally fine. So I was thinking we go to the mall this afternoon, what say?''

''Sounds like a plan but lunch first please, I'm really hungry.''

''When are you not hungry babe?'' he jokes as he gets up and puts on his jacket. ''Something fancy, something healthy or junk food?''

I look at him as a crazy smile forms on my face,'' junk food of course!!''

We walk around town hand in hand and stop to eat some street food. This felt really good; it felt normal, we felt normal.

We are now at the mall when Theo tells me, ''well love I noticed that you packed only casual clothes; why don't you pick something fancy for our date?''

''If I'm not wrong; you've not asked me yet have you?'' I question back with a raise of my eyebrows and he chuckles, ''you got me there love.''

''Ahem so......Athena Robinson; would you like to go with me on a second date?'' he asks with a hopeful voice. 

''I'd love to,'' I reply and pull him in for a kiss. ''Good, now let's get that dress.''

We walk around the mall and into various shops, I must have tried over ten dresses by now but none of them felt like 'the one'. I could see Theo getting tired of me pulling him to different shops but he didn't complain, not even once.

''You know we can stop if you're tired and don't lie to me Theo I can see it and sense it too,'' I say sternly

 ''Not resting until we get that dress for you love,'' he replies and I smile.

I don't think I can fall in love more than I have with this man. '' You sure?'' I ask.

 ''One hundred percent sure, now come on let's find you that dress,'' he replies and urges me to walk forward.

We go into two more shops and now the fatigue starts to sit in me too. ''One last shop Theo, if we don't find it I'm coming in sweatpants, that's it!'' I say and pull him to the first shop that I see. 

''uhhh love....we...'' he starts but I just shush him and we walk in.

''Sir, Ma'am; you're back,'' The salesman says and I look at him confusion all over my face. ''That's what I was trying to tell you, we've been here already,'' Theo whispers.

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