Chapter 44

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***Long chapter alert!***

''It's like watching a scene from a movie isn't it? Care for a tissue?'' Mila asks.

We are standing in her living room watching Theo and Charles having a heart to heart. It started with an apology from both sides and has now come to a point where if they don't kiss each other, we might just make them!!

''Ohh just make up already the two of you, you've got dramatics more than a damn tv show,'' I say exasperatedly with a roll of my eyes.

''you're just jealous Athena; that your mate loves me more than you,'' Charles retorts.

''Ugghh...your words just mentally scarred me! anyway, So long as it's you Charles, it's not a threat.''

''And what if it's another woman?'' Mila questions.

''ever heard of the statement 'six feet under?'' I ask her and she nods, ''Well she'll be buried even deeper than that.''

''Okay, point well noted Athena, I will leave your mate to you and be happy with mine. Now, jokes aside; let's talk business,'' Charles says and in a fraction of a second goes in to killer beta mode.

''Do you have it?'' Theo asks him. He walks to one of the drawers and retrieves a syringe filled with yellow liquid.

 ''You get one shot, okay?'' and he hands the syringe to Theo.

''So who will be tying the bell around the cats' neck?'' Mila asks.

Theo and I exchange looks before I answer, ''it has to be me; I'll do it when he least expects it.''

''Yeah, you should do it Athena, you are his friend so he will least expect this act of betrayal coming from you,'' Charles says.

''Your words are not comforting Charles, if anything ,it makes me feel more bad than I already do.''

''Good. My words were not meant to comfort you anyway,'' he replies.

''Just to be clear you guys, I'm not fully on board with this plan. Besides we are not even sure he is the blue eyed monster,'' Theo clarifies and I see Charles getting agitated. Mila notices it too and makes her way to him. She rubs his back inducing the mate bond to calm him down.

''Like I told you before Theo; we are trying to get rid of suspicion. If he is not the one we will drop it, agreed?''

Both Mila and Charles nod their heads in agreement.

''Okay, we should be going now; I need to start making preparations for dinner. I will keep you guys updated,'' and with that Theo and I walk out of their home and head towards ours.

''You sure you'll be able to pull this off love? '' he asks as we approach the front door.

''I have to, there is no room for a second chance,'' I reply and we walk in.

I spend the rest of the afternoon preparing for the dinner. I decided to make baked chicken and mashed potatoes with stir fried veggies.

Theo walks in the kitchen and sits at the counter staring at me, ''You should cook more often love, I could sit here and watch you at it all day.''

''Or you could help me and make my work easier,'' I reply and place a bowl of boiled potatoes in front of him, ''Mash away mister.''

''Yes ma'am,'' he mocks and gets to it.

By 06:30 we are almost done, we didn't prepare dessert because I doubt if the dinner will even last that long; nevertheless, there is always back up. Thank god for the overly stocked fridge, we have ice cream that can be served, if it does come to that.

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