Chapter 24

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I'm standing in front of the full length mirror inside the closet when Theo comes to stand on my left side. ''You're going to look good today sitting by my side love,'' He says as he places a kiss on my cheek. ''How long have you been waiting to say that?'' I ask as I turn to look at him. ''Hmm... let's see, ever since the first time you came for pack breakfast,'' he replies and I chuckle.

''Everyone is going see you up there today as my mate and their Luna, no more sitting at the corner table,'' Theo comments. ''You know I liked the corner table, it's where I met my friends,'' I tell him and he gives me a look, ''but I'd rather be sitted by your side for the pack breakfast,'' I conclude and walk away from the mirror to put on my shoes, when suddenly my phone rings.

''Athena, my precious,'' he voices and I roll my eyes.

''Scott,'' I reply in a monotone voice. ''What can I do for you today?''

''Well precious, I need to see your designs. So I'm expecting you to be in Toronto today with them,'' He says and I freeze.

''Today? in Toronto? But Scott, I can't come and how comes I wasn't notified a few days prior,'' I ask him seemingly shocked.

''Well Athena, someone from my office sent you an email 2 days ago. I just thought I should remind you since you never replied.''

Oh shoot, with everything going on I had not even checked my mails. I take a deep breath to calm myself down before I continue, '' okay so uhh Scott,here the thing; I'm currently not in a position to travel to Toronto is there any way we can postpone this?'' I ask with hope in my voice.

''I'm afraid we can't my precious, I have other meetings too you know. You're not the only business I manufacture for,'' He replies and I pinch the bridge of my nose in stress.

''But, since you're my favorite, I can bend some rules here and there. Tell me, where is the nearest place you can meet me?'' he asks and I sigh in relief.

''I can be in Vancouver in an hour,'' I reply.

''Perfect then, why don't I meet you there. I'll book my flight and we should meet in say like, 4hrs?'' he conveys. '' That's great Scott, thank you. I will not disappoint you,'' I tell him.

''You're welcome my precious. So we'll talk in 4 hrs; I know this amazing place that serves the best brunch and bottomless mimosas,'' He says excitedly.

''That sounds great, see you then,'' I reply and cut the call.

''My precious. I mean really, who is he Gollum?'' he remarks sarcastically and I can't help myself but laugh. ''Seriously Theo, you're jealous over Scott! Of all the people in the world. He is married,'' I state.

''So what if he is married love? He was clearly flirting with you and the brunch and bottomless mimosas! are not you not seeing it Athena,'' He practically yells and I have to suppress a laugh at his growing jealousy.

''I have been working with Scott for 2 years now Theo, I know his ways and I also know how to shut him down. So don't worry,'' I tell him calmly as I hug him and rub his back. He relaxes instantly and I pull him in for a kiss.

''By the way, you look hot when you're jealous,'' I say with a wink as I walk towards the door. ''Continue saying things like that and we're not leaving this room love,'' He says with a raise of his eyebrows and I smirk.

''Your pack awaits Alpha,'' and with that I leave the room.

We meet Charles half way towards the pack house. ''Ready for the high table Athena?'' he asks. ''I was born ready Charles,'' I say with a flip of my hair. ''Sassy Athena, I like it!'' He states and I give him a smile.

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