Chapter 29

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''Witches? Seriously, witches! That's insane!'' Charles yells as we tell him and Mila about everything that happened at Shadow pack.

''Yes Charles, Witches,'' Theo sighs as he massages his temple.

''But wasn't the coven wiped out years ago by your father? I thought no one survived that war,'' Charles muses and I look at them confused.

 ''Your father wiped out a whole coven of witches?'' I question Theo who seems to be deep in thought.

''Yes, turns out Alpha Kevin hated the witches, since they always meddled with wolf business,'' Charles replies, '' So what? he killed them all for that! It's not right, ''I almost yell. '' Calm down love, it wasn't just for that. The witches did something far worse than just meddling,'' Theo states and I urge him to continue.

''When I was about 5yrs old the witches wanted a sacrifice, one of them befriended Sebastian; who was 7 at that time and they made him lure me to their den while we were playing in the fields. They kidnapped me as the sacrifice had to be done during the full moon which was the following day. They threatened Sebastian not to say anything to my father. The next morning a search party was out looking for me, they were almost giving up until Sebastian couldn't contain it any longer and told my dad and uncle Alan everything ''

''Dad was enraged and set out with an army. Since it was only hours until the full moon it was easy to find the coven; they were all present at the clearing where the sacrifice was to be made. I was covered in different symbols and marks and was placed on an altar; ready to be sacrificed when the wolves attacked. It was a gruesome battle; the witches fell to their death since they were caught by surprise but they soon begun fighting back. Uncle Alan grabbed me from the altar and took me home to my mom while dad ensured that the whole coven was wiped clean. He ensured that no witch will ever harm a wolf child. Though it seems that he missed someone and now they are out for revenge.'' By the time he finishes I have tears flowing down my cheeks.

''Oh my god Theo,'' I say as my voice cracks and I hug him. ''I'm so sorry, I didn't know. Oh goddess.''

''It's okay love, these are things of the past.''

''Looks like the witches are out for revenge for what happened 23 years ago, '' Charles muses as Mila and I nod in unison.

''Well, we just can't be sitting ducks. If the witches are planning on attacking, then we must be ready. They are using the rogues to do their dirty work while they themselves hide like cowards,'' I growl in anger as I walk out the front door with Mila at my heels.

''Where are you going Athena?'' Mila asks as she catches up to me. ''I need to speak to Hazel and Noah; we need to prepare people, '' I say as I march towards Noah's house.

''Athena wait,'' I hear Theo call and stop on my tracks. Him and Charles come to a stop next to us. ''I understand your anger towards all this but you need to calm down love, just marching over to someone's house demanding to increase training won't cut out. We need to strategize, '' he says in a calm and reasonable voice and I sigh in defeat, ''Okay.''

''let's all have lunch at my place, Mila and I can whip up something. Then we'll sit and talk calmly about this. Okay?'' Charles questions obviously directing it at me and I nod.

We are currently at Charles'; him and Mila are in the kitchen cooking pasta while fooling around. I look at them and a smile forms on my face.

''He looks so happy doesn't he?'' I ask Theo as he rubs small circles on my arm. We are sitted in Charles' living room sprawled out on his couch.

''They do don't they? When will you cook for me love?'' Theo asks and I raise an eyebrow at him, ''I could ask you the same thing; when will you cook for me Theo? ''I pose and he chuckles. ''I would, if I knew but sadly I can't cook,'' he replies and I roll my eyes.

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