Chapter 3

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As we sat at the dinner table, I looked around and couldn't believe that I was back with my family. It made me realize how much I missed them and only for a fraction of a second, did I regret leaving all those years ago, but now that I'm back, things will be better, at least that's what I believe.

"Earth to Athena," Ethan snaps his fingers in front of my face.

"Oh, piss off!" I snap back.

"Manners, Athena, "mom scolds me. 

I ignore them and look towards my dad, "hey dad, I'd like to make some changes to my room could you give me the  contact number of the furniture guy, I'd like to order a few things?"

"Just let me know what you need Athena, I will order it for you, "he replies. 

"Dad, you know I'm not a small girl anymore. I can handle this on my own, besides I just want a desk, chair and a cabinet so I can  have space for my work.''

"So long as you're staying under my roof I will handle these things princess, just send me the pictures of whatever you need and I will get it ordered, okay?"

I sigh defeatedly, "okay, dad."

"So Athena, how is Toronto like?" Mom asks me.

"It's great mom, big city, busy life, lots of new things to do every day, new people to meet it's a new story every day in Toronto," I reply.

"New people you say?" Mom asks intrigued, "anyone special we should know about?"

"what ppfft no!" I reply with a wave of my hand.

"Why ask mom?" Interjects Ethan. 

"Oh I was just being curious, one can never know with you kids these days, "she responds.

"First of all Mom, we are not kids! I mean look at us, Ethan's twenty seven, and I'm twenty four pretty sure we are out of the kid phase.''

Mom gave me a look that said, that I'm right where she wanted me to be.

 ''oh shit,'' I mouth as soon as I realized I'd fallen right into her trap. 

I look at dad for help but he throws his hands up in surrender saying, "don't look at me Athena, you dug your own grave here."

I sigh and look up at my mom knowing what's coming next. "Thank you Athena for accurately pointing out your ages", her words laced with sarcasm. "Do you two realize the importance of a  mate in  a wolf's life?" Ethan rolls his eyes, because this must be the umpteenth time he is hearing this speech. I bet he's even memorized the words by now.

I've heard it twice before. When Ethan was eighteen it used to be funny, but this time not so much, since I'm also the target. 

"You know what?'' I say completely exasperated by the direction this conversation is taking, "I am way too sober for this." I get up to grab a bottle of wine from the cabinet. My mom looks at me dumbfounded as I pull the cork out and pour myself a glass, "want some?" I ask her as she shoots daggers at me.

"You two should be ashamed of yourselves, there are people out there who are  much younger than you, might I add, and have already found their mates, while you two seat here wasting away your youth," she continues.

"You know we're wolves right mom?" Ethan starts, we age slowly sooo ..."he shrugs his shoulders but she cuts him off.

"Don't act smart with me boy. I want the both of you to have mates by the end of this year or so help me God!" She says and walks off with her empty plate.

"What's up with mom tonight?" I mind link Ethan.

"I have no idea, been hearing this for the past two years now, but this time she seems serious Ena. We must do something about it." 

"What can we do about it Ethan! It's not like it's in our hands, it will happen when it's supposed to happen. We can't go around invading peoples' personal space and see whose wolf calls out to us, that's absurd!!"

"Calm down Ena," he says in a normal voice closing the link. "You sure do sound like mom.''

"You two really need to re-think this you know. Your mother has a point, we want to see you  both settle down with your mates and with the moon goddess' blessing some grand kids too, we are not getting any younger and who knows how long we'll live." Dad, who had been a quiet spectator, finally speaks up.

"I don't like it when  you say things like that dad," I pout. 

"I know princess but that does not change the fact that it's true, tell you what. why don't we go for a walk, huh? There is so much I want to talk to you about, what say?" 

"That'll be great dad, let me just finish up here and I'll be with you shortly."

I step out in t the chilly night and see dad waiting for me at the patio. "I'm ready, lets go," I say as I walk down the steps. We stroll around and I see pack members walking and rushing around, most of them heading home after their daily jobs. A few of them stop and pay respects to their Alpha.

"Athena, honey I'm happy  that you're home...." dad starts.

"but...." I interject him, knowing what's coming next.

"But you need to know that in three months time Ethan will be taking over the alpha position and I want the ceremony to go  smoothly ,do you understand what I'm trying to say princess?"

"I do dad, I clearly understand and I want to assure you that I do not want the alpha position. I know what I am dad, and I know what I'm capable of but I will never take something that was never meant to be mine in the first place ,the position was and will always be Ethans." 

"Thank you Athena," dad says. I shoot him a smile as we continue with our walk.

"So this mate thing that moms been worked up about since dinner, what was all that about? I know she's worried, but bringing it up all of a sudden at dinner was a little weird," I say.

"Your  mom has been under pressure lately, she heard some of the omegas talking about how Ethan might end up  choosing someone just to continue the Robinson line since he is of age now and has not found his mate yet.

"Ohhhhh," I exclaim, ''but dad are mates really that important, I mean I personally feel that I'm doing well for myself. I don't think I even want a mate. If the only importance of having one is so that I can produce babies, technology has advanced in the outside world, there are many ways one can have a baby, I don't need a mate for that.''

Dad chuckles, "oh Athena, my darling daughter, a mate is not only useful for babies, your mate is your other half, they  complete you in ways no one else can, not even technology,'' He chuckles then continues, ''they are your true soulmate, someone who is worth fighting for, someone who would go to the ends of the earth to make you happy. Do you know that you can even feel each others emotions? Whether you are happy or sad, they can know and vice versa, we all have our chosen ones Athena you do too, no matter how different you are from the rest."

"I guess so," I say solemnly. "Alpha female or not, the moon goddess has a mate for me out there and sooner or later we will find each other, I just hope it's the latter," I say slowly. 

I look up to see that we are back at our house so I bid my father goodnight and proceed to go to my room when he stops me.

"Athena...." he calls, "we are having breakfast with the whole pack tomorrow morning be ready by seven, we will all walk to the pack house together.''

I nod in response and go up to my room.

Looks like it's going to be a long day tomorrow.

Well, Athena has assured her dad she doesn't want the alpha position. So what happens next?


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