Chapter 26

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''This way Theo, it's the rogues. They are coming from all sides. Charles is on his way to Eclipse pack he's bringing Ashton with him, '' Noah says as we all run towards the borders. ''I could've mind linked Ashton goddammit!'' Theo curses. ''Where is the female guard Noah?'' I question, ''Hazel's rounding them up, we'll meet them at the borders.''

As soon as we get there I see our guards all standing in position waiting for Theo to command them. ''They're almost here sir, ''one of them says and Theo nods.

''Okay everybody, we break into three groups, I will take some men to the west we will take care of that side with Ashton. Noah you can go towards the East with some guards help Benjamin and Sean there and Athena, take the female guard and Charles with you upfront and give them hell love,'' Theo says and I smirk at him.

''And where do I go Alpha?'' says a smooth voice behind us and we all turn to look at Sebastian who just joined. He smiles at me flirtatiously and I roll my eyes at him. ''You can go with Noah towards the West, try luring the rogues over to you. We can capture a few for questioning but kill the rest,'' Theo orders and we all get into position.

Hazel comes up to stand on my left side with the rest of the female guard behind us and Charles on my right.

''You're going to fight in human form?'' she asks and I nod pensively, ''can't risk exposure,'' I say slowly as we spy a cloud of dust forming in a distance. ''They're almost here!'' I shout and we all get into position. Charles and I nod at each other in understanding and run forward ready to attack.

Our main aim is to not let even one rogue pass the border.

We meet them halfway and immediately attack, the stench is too strong and I have to gag. Some of them were too weak and we managed to put them down easily but others were strong. Particularly this one rogue who was heading towards Hazel

Before I could call her I got attacked and fell to the ground hard as a pair of canines flashed over me, too close to my neck. ''Athena!'' I heard Charles shout. '' I got it, you take care on your side!'' I called back as I attempted to kick the rogue off but damn was he strong. I gathered my strength and kicked him again. This time I managed to get him to loosen his grip on me.

I got on my feet and punched him in the gut as he kicked me in the shin. Damn, this guy is good. I punched him one more time as I heard a crack. Oh shit, he's turning. I put down a few other wolves that were coming my way. I make eye contact with Hazel who seems to be in some kind of war dance, she was leaping and jumping from one rogue to another snapping their necks when I hear a warning growl. ''That doesn't sound good,'' I muse as I turn to look at the rogue who is now a dirty blond wolf with saliva dripping off his canines.

''Well come at me then! What are you waiting for!'' I shout and he launches himself. I call on my wolf and from the borrowed strength grab him by the neck and throw him to the ground. I hear a whimper and a sadistic smile appears on my face as I grab him by the tail and throw him against a tree, I march up to him as I lift him with both my hands, raised my thigh and snapped his spine as a satisfying crunch echoes the forest.

I toss him aside and I'm about to re-join the battle when I see a rogue sneaking up to Hazel from behind. I try to shout and call her but she is too far away and there is chaos all around me, Charles' light brown wolf is busy decapitating rogues, I start running towards her when a rogue comes my way, my hand immediately goes through her chest as I rip out her heart. 

The  other rouge has his eyes set on Hazel and I try to shout once again but she can't hear me, he is now gaining on her and I do the only thing I could think of at that moment. 

I call my wolf forward and fully transform. She shakes her fur in excitement of finally being able to join the fight. The adrenaline and power surges through me as I leap in the air and make a run for the rogue.

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