Chapter 16

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He looks out the window and I feel a growl erupting from Theo as his eyes flash red and meet with the blue eyes in the forest. I see a change in them as the blue eyes are now prominent with anger as they lock with Theo's red ones and in a blink of an eye move away. We are now staring at nothing but pitch black darkness.

''We need to go after him, he shouldn't have gone far. We can track him.'' Theo says as he moves towards the door and I follow him as I grab my coat. As we walk out I see Charles running towards us, ''got your message man, it sounded urgent, what's up?'' he asks hastily.

'Someone has been spying on Athena, we have marked the place and we're going after him. He shouldn't have gone far.'' Theo replies. ''Are you serious? It's barely even a week since she's here and someone's spying on her?'' he asks incredulously as we start to run towards the spot where we saw the eyes. As we get to the place where I'm assuming the spy would have been, I turn on my spot and measure the distance, sure enough, I see my window. The spot was a perfect hiding place as he could get a clear view of me.

''This is very close to the pack borders, so either this person is inside the pack or has crossed over to Shadow pack.'' Charles muses as we start looking around. Theo sniffs in the air and I follow suit however we come up with nothing. ''There is no scent.'' Theo announces and I try once again but fail to catch anything. ''That's weird.'' I voice, 'there has to be scent, 'I thought as we continue searching when Charles comes running to us while putting on a t-shirt ''Nothing,'' he says shaking his head in distress, ''I ran up to the borders, also spoke to the guards from Shadow pack but they confirmed that no one has passed through.'' He says, as we all look at each other completely lost for words.

''We will increase security, in this area, Charles mind link Noah and tell him I need more guards on this part of the pack.'' Theo commands and I catch a glimpse of the Alpha in him as power resonates around him. Charles obeys and his eyebrows furrow in concentration as he mind-links Hazel's mate. ''I don't think he will be coming back to this spot again.'' I muse. ''Why do you think so love?'' Theo questions. '' I mean think about it, he has been watching me for the past 2 nights; today we run out to get him and he is nowhere in sight. We have already discovered his hiding spot which by the way is now tainted with our scents, of course he wouldn't come back,'' I conclude.

''You knew he was watching you?'' Theo cries out and I look at him guiltily. ''Yes, I did,'' I whisper and he puts his head between his hands. ''And you didn't tell me? Why Athena?'' he says and I see him desperately trying not to shout at me. ''I....I...I thought that...'' I start to say but he cuts me off ''of course, you thought that you would handle it on your own didn't you?'' he claims and I chose to stay quiet. '' When will you get it Athena, we are in this together, you need to tell me when something like this happens.

I know that you're a strong woman and can handle yourself better than some of the men here but even a strong woman needs a shoulder to lean on and I'm trying to be that shoulder for you, but you need to open up to me, you need to trust me,'' he says exasperatedly and walks away towards the house. I stay back and let his words sink in, knowing that everything he said is true as tears sting my eyes threatening to fall.

''Come on cookie, let's get you home?'' Charles says and I laugh a little at his nickname for me.

''You know what you have to do Athena, swallow that pride for once and do the right thing.'' He says and I nod in response as he places a chaste kiss on my forehead and walks towards his house.

As I walk in the house I sense him brooding and walk up to his bedroom door. I place a soft knock on his door and wait. I hear the shuffling of feet on the other side as he walks. He opens the door and walks back to his seat without sparing me a glance.

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