Broken Bones

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Killer was twitchy. He waited quietly outside the castle, the knife in his hand tapping against the stained rocks. He was silent. His target SOUL would waver every few moments. He couldn't help but remember the feeling of falling apart. Why hadn't he dusted immediately?? That look... Those dead, glowing eyes were burned into his skull. He paused for a moment and in his black eye sockets, hints of white lit up. White dots.

Killer trembled shakily before he grit his teeth and dropped the knife with a loud clatter, holding his head with his skeletal hands. He screwed his eyes shut. He could hear it. Crunch. Snap. Her laughter. He could hear it almost as if she was there again.

He shakily lowered his hands to his ribs, flinching. They ached. They never used to ache. Why did it hurt so badly?? He'd fought so many people. He'd KILLED so many people. Hell, he'd even BEEN killed by so many people. But nothing hurt quite like this. He could feel every sound. Every crunch. Every snap. Every grinding of bones against one another.

Killer drew in a shaking breath, his eye sockets pouring out the black tears trickling down his face. His target SOUL trembled violently. He hunched over from his position on the wall outside the castle gates. Could he cry?? No one would see him. He'd killed all of them. No one could've possibly been watching.

Slowly, but surely, Killer broke down into silent tears. He twitched, every spot that she'd broken, tingling and aching. He held one side of his head, while the other gripped his chest, his bony fingers curling under his ribs. His spine. Hurt. His ribs. Hurt. His legs. Hurt. His arms. His SOUL. His EXISTENCE. HIS EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING HUR- Killer shrieked and shook his head, falling silent as the noise echoed through an empty Underground.

Killer kept his legs crossed and his body hunched over. His fingers had begun to scrape into his skull. She'd destroyed him. She'd made a fool of him and he'd almost given in to the pity provided by Error's stupid little pet. His fellow villains hadn't even listened to him. What was he POSSIBLY worth??

"Nothing... I... am worthless..." He muttered shakily. He continued to sit in silence, sobbing as the black tears ran down his face. His body continued to hurt. Everything felt like it was being broken. Over and over. In the same places. In the same ways. He couldn't handle it. He screwed his eyes shut and reached out for the knife. He pat the ground, unable to find it. He blinked before looking up and freezing.

"Looking for this?" Nightmare rumbled as one of his black tentacles waved the knife around before lowering it to his own hand. He stared at Killer coolly with that one, glowing blue eye. Killer stared at him, before becoming aware of how he probably looked to the other.

He was sniveling and crying! What the hell would Nightmare think of him?! He choked for a moment before doing the only thing he could think of and snapping his fingers. Killer teleported away, opening his eyes shakily in the flower fields of Waterfall. He stood on shaky legs.

The flowers were silent and most of them had lost their glow. He hiccuped and rubbed his eyes with his sleeve. He tried to calm down. What had he even been about to do with that knife?? He held his head with one hand. His entire body was trembling.

The pain was too much and he collapsed to the ground, holding his shirt again tightly, his ribs screaming in pain. His target SOUL was lit up dangerously bright and wavering wildly. He coughed, drool dripping from his jaws. It hurt. The white dots in his eyes lit up again as he stared around feverishly.

Killer collapsed on his side, black liquid streaming down his face again. He gulped hard before opening his mouth and letting out a drawn out, pained scream. He rolled onto his back and shrieked, the pain intensifying as he laid on his spine. He pushed himself back into his side.

He wanted to get up. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't bring himself to even sit up. It hurt too much. He scratched his fingers down the side of his skull, shaking as he let out another long, pained shriek. He couldn't.

Every time Killer closed his eyes, he was met with hers. So dead, yet burning with fury and DETERMINATION. So full of sadistic delight as she broke every part of him. Snapping his limbs like pretzel sticks. Killer curled up on his side, shaking with wide eyes. He yanked his hood up to cover his head. His eyes hurt. He screwed them shut, trying to block out whatever he could.

Killer shrieked as he felt a hand on his shoulder. His entire body locked up and cracked as he moved. He shakily opened his eyes and lifted his head. The hood blocked some of his view and he couldn't see who it was. He breathed shakily, tears still running down his face. He tried to get up, but the hand kept him firm as something smooth and slightly squishy moved under him. The hand pushed him back down over the thing, relieving pressure off of his ribs.

Killer kept one hand feverishly gripping his collarbone until he felt another hand on his, moving his away. He was still trembling. He inhaled in pain as the thing under him shifted and as soon as he did, the thing stopped moving and allowed him to relax back again. 

Killer remained shaky and aching. Who was it?? He was terrified. He inhaled sharply as he felt someone pull the side of his hood and he shook his head, both hands moving up to grab it. "Please... please no..." He whimpered. There was a pause before he felt a hand slip under his SOUL and he yelped, jerking.

The hand was warm. He trembled as he felt the person holding his SOUL. He heard a deep and heavy sigh. Killer had let his guard down as he felt fingers slip under his hood and pull it back. Killer flinched, keeping his eyes screwed shut and his head turned away.

"Killer." At his name, Killer's eyes widened and he looked over to see Nightmare, sitting crisscross next to him. The other was holding his SOUL in one hand. Killer was shaking. He was going to be killed. This was it. Nightmare blinked and turned to him with an unpredictable look. Killer whimpered out an apology.

Book 2: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now